{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Seven: Fangs of Corruption II (Black Eagles)

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You arrive at the Black Eagles classroom the day of the mission. Herwig and Kaeta are inside with the students and Nesreen.

Herwig: It's time to end this.

Chris: I'm glad you've joined us, Nesreen.

Nesreen: Lady Aisa wants me to learn as much as I can about the Columbus territory and all that it's involved with.

Kaeta: The Canis Mafia is dangerous, and the church needs to know how to approach it.

Polly: I appreciate Lady Aisa's decision for sure.

Zelhira: Lord Columbus has gotten away with this for too long.

Aquillus: At the very least, we don't need to confront him directly.

Callisto: Canis isn't our target... Malice is.

Florence: Getting into the mafia messiness is asking for a fight.

Hegias: They wouldn't hold back if we went for them.

Tuncay: I'm not looking forward to this at all.

Herwig: We don't need to stay for long. As long as we complete the mission, we don't need to do much.

Kaeta: I don't know what to think about any of this, but I know I have a bad feeling about it.

Nesreen: If Lady Aisa wants information, that's what she's going to get.

Chris: If Columbus and Malice are working together, we'll just need to find evidence.

Polly: We may not have learned much last month, but that streak won't last.

Florence: We'll finish things this time.

Zelhira: You know... If we don't die on the way.

Aquillus: Lady Aisa sent a message ahead of time to the Columbus territory that we are after only Malice.

Callisto: Even so, Nesreen is coming to gather more information... We're hiding our real intentions with that message.

Tuncay: It's time to end things.

Hegias: At least we don't have to do things with the mafia...

Herwig: There's not a moment to lose.

The students leave with Herwig, Nesreen, and Kaeta. You follow after them as Seraphine speaks.

Seraphine: I don't like this at all... In fact, just the idea of doing all this makes me want to scream. Canis is dangerous... That's all I've heard about them, and it's scary... I guess we won't know what to do until after we take them on.

You nod. Soon enough, the party leaves the monastery behind.

You arrive in Columbus territory in Leicester a few hours later. The buildings are all rundown, nearly falling apart. The streets are crowded and dirty. You cringe at the smell of the filth.

Seraphine: It smells rotten... Yuck.

Kaeta: I think I'm going to be sick...

Nesreen: Good old Columbus... Disgusting as always, I see...

Zelhira: I feel bad for the people that call this place home.

Hegias: Somehow, I doubt they think of it as home... It's more of just where their houses are located.

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