{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Seventeen: Poisoned Heart I

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When the next moon begins, You wake up and start to make your way towards the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks in the back of your mind.

Seraphine: This month, we're set to be taking out the other half of House Goneril, right? That's not going to be easy... Charging the Leicester side was a lot to deal with already, and I feel like things are only going to be getting more difficult from here.

You tell Seraphine that You are going to do your best.

Seraphine: I trust you will... Be careful out there though. I don't want anything to happen to you.

You nod as You arrive at the cardinals' room. As usual, the rest of the Golden Deer have already arrived.

Raithius: Good to see you, Professor. Now, Wolfgang. Go on and give us an update on how things have been going as of late. Don't hold back any details.

Wolfgang: I haven't heard any updates on the search for Lady Aisa, but there is one interesting thing that has happened down in Adrestia... The rebellion I mentioned last moon is on the move. They're marching towards Enbarr.

Adeline: The resistance is making for the capital to try and usurp Argades then... I can't tell if they're fools or incredibly brave.

Lev: Why can't they be both? Argades has had an iron fist on Empire territory for the past five years.

Novalee: Regardless of our opinions there, we should keep this in mind for the future. The Empire borders Leicester, after all.

William: We won't be able to ensure that Leicester is free of Malice until all nearby areas are cleared of it too, after all.

Cedric: I believe we can occupy ourselves with that after taking care of our current mission.

Sofia: I agree with Cedric here. Is there anything suspicious that's been happening in Faerghus as of late?

Jill: I know that I haven't heard any rumors at the very least, but there could be something that escapes me. Wolfgang, you're the master of this stuff. What's going on?

Wolfgang: I'm afraid I come with some bad news regarding Faerghus... I figured I'd make you guys happy with the Empire stuff, but now I have to crush your spirits.

Adeline: I have a really bad feeling about this all of a sudden...

Novalee: There was another assassination attempt a few days ago while we were attacking Goneril territory.

Cedric: You can't be serious...! Magnolia has to be alright though, right?

Jill: If she had died, we would have heard about it already. She's got to still be kicking.

Raithius: She is, but... It might mean that she isn't able to help us out. She can't risk overextending after something like that.

Sofia: If the message about the assassination attempt got back here, then...

William: That must mean that our request for reinforcements has reached her as well.

Lev: You're likely right about that, but... What did she say? Do we have any answers from her yet?

Raithius: I'm afraid not, but I'm hoping to have some information as soon as possible.

Adeline: That's unfortunate... For now, I suppose that all we can do is plan like we're going at it alone.

Sofia: A double-sided attack would have certainly given us an advantage in this fight, but I guess there's nothing we can do about it now.

William: Nothing we could have done could have prepared us for something that terrible happening...

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