{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Four: Unlamented Sin I (Golden Deer)

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At the start of the next month, the Blue Sea Moon, You wake up and prepare for the work ahead of You. You begin your walk to see Aisa, Seraphine appearing at your side.

Seraphine: I can't stop thinking about that dream we had... It was nothing like we had experienced before then, and it's not like we've seen anything since either. It's like it's all on the tip of my tongue, but I don't know what to do about it.

You shake your head. You do not know what to do either.

Seraphine: Let's go and see the archbishop though... I bet she has something important to tell us given that it's kind of her job to tell us what to do.

You arrive at the room where Aisa is most of the time. She is standing with Roy as usual.

Aisa: Greetings, Professor. I come with good news.

Seraphine: Unless that good news has to do with Malice or that dream we had, I don't want to hear it right now. I'm kind of on a mission here.

Aisa: We have figured out the truth behind those mercenaries who attacked you on your first official mission of the year. The mercenaries from Adrestia were from Bazler territory. It is a Crestless house that has not seen any Crest bearers in many generations.

Seraphine: Crestless noble houses? I didn't even realize those existed. Everything in this world seems to be all about the Crests. Can you blame me for thinking that?

Aisa: A rebellion is set to begin soon. While you were on your mission this past week, Nesreen searched the area. She found proof of a pending rebellion in the form of letters from Lord Bazler. You are to help suppress this rebellion.

Roy: However, there is one other important thing for you to know.

Seraphine: What could be more important than telling us about Malice? We figured out where one of the groups came from. Sounds pretty important to me.

Roy: This mission was not given by the church itself. It's from the emperor of Adrestia.

Seraphine: Woah! Of all the things I expected to hear, that wasn't it!

You ask about the Adrestian Emperor.

Aisa: Hendrix von Faixnoye has been ruling over Adrestia for more than thirty years. He is one of the most powerful men in all the land... Even foreign powers cannot compete with him.

Roy: He requested that the students suppress the rebellion as opposed to sending out his own soldiers to do so. Your class, whichever one you select, will be defeating the rebels at the emperor's request.

Seraphine: Somehow, I don't think this is going to be easy... Just knowing that the emperor asked us to do this really lays on the pressure.

You ask to hear more about Hendrix.

Aisa: He is known for having one of the longest rules in recent memory, no matter the kingdom.

Roy: He's also been called stubborn in the past, though I suppose it's all a matter of perspective regarding how you think of him. However, it cannot be doubted that he leads a powerful empire.

Aisa: Now, it's time for you to select a house. Which one will you choose for the month?

After thinking on the matter, You arrive at a conclusion: the Golden Deer.

Roy: You wish to follow the Golden Deer this month?

You nod.

Aisa: I'm glad to hear you're so ready. Now, you should go and speak with the members of your class to see what the plan is for the coming month.

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