{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Seven: Fangs of Corruption I (Blue Lions)

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You wake up on the first day of the Wyvern Moon, seeing Seraphine beside You.

Seraphine: Here's to hoping that we can get into Columbus territory at long last... If you ask me, we've been waiting far too long to take care of that man. We found out about him when we first encountered Bazler, which feels like it was ages ago... I guess everything feels like ages when you've forgotten more than eighteen years of your life, not that we have a perfectly accurate statement on your age.

You walk to the room where Aisa and Roy are found, Seraphine following You.

Aisa: Greetings, Professor.

Roy: We're finally ready to send you off to Columbus territory this month. I'm glad to say that we've finally been given the chance to take care of him.

Seraphine: It's about time! I've been waiting for this... It's about time that we got the chance to make sure that dastard got what he deserved.

Aisa: Since you don't know much about our land as a whole, perhaps it would be best if we explained the full story behind Columbus territory.

Roy: Once, about twenty-five years ago, there was no Columbus territory. It was instead a part of Origo lands, making it part of the ruling power's territory. There was no Columbus family either.

Aisa: The man that now rules over Columbus was born to the Chevalier family, which can be found in Faerghus territory. There were two children in the Chevalier house: Stanton and Cliona. Stanton was known to be cruel despite his kind parents raising him well, and even if he was older, the ruling power was passed to his sister instead of him since his parents thought she would be better at ruling.

Roy: Stanton left Chevalier lands out of anger. He took Origo lands by force and changed his name to Wenlock Columbus, becoming the land of the territory. He took once powerful, luscious territory and made it into a horrible place.

Aisa: Columbus territory is widely assumed to be the worst place on the continent. Not even Bazler territory can hold a candle to it.

Seraphine: You have to be pretty bad if even if a human trafficking ring can't stand up to you...

Roy: Lord Columbus has heavy ties with the Canis Mafia, a group that took power in Leicester around the time that he came to power. It's implied that Columbus either leads them or is greatly associated with the one who holds the strength in the group.

Seraphine: A mafia... Wow. I guess that we will have more to deal with than just Malice after all. I'm not exactly happy about it, but there's not much we can do about it now.

Aisa: Your job this month will be to get into Columbus territory and take out the forces that have been threatening Leicester.

Roy: Canis has only survived thus far because nobody believes they can take it out. However, you are not going on a mission to fight Canis. Your job here is to fight Malice.

Aisa: If Canis realizes that Malice is what you want, they will leave Malice behind to save their own skins.

Roy: That's how Lord Columbus works... Wenlock Columbus is a cowardly man, you know. I don't know how else to put it.

Aisa: Regardless of how he behaves though, you'll be tasked with taking him on in the coming month. I trust that you can take care of such, yes?

You nod in response.

Aisa: I knew we could count on you, Professor.

Roy: It seems to me like it's time for you to pick your house for the month, Professor.

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