{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter One: Garreg Mach III (Blue Lions)

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After thinking long and hard, You decide to assist the Blue Lions house in your first month of teaching. You tell Aisa, Roy, and the professors such.

Aisa: Your choice is the Blue Lions?

You nod.

Aisa: I am glad to hear that you have made the choice that is best for you. I'm sure the Blue Lions will be happy to have you for the next month.

Reese: Since you're coming back with me, we should head back to the classroom.

Roy: It's time for you to go and tell them you have made up your mind for the month.

Aisa: I hope the Blue Lions treat you well in the month to come.

You thank everyone there for this opportunity before following Reese out of the room. She leads You to the Blue Lions homeroom.

Reese: I'm sure the kids will like you. You seem like a kind young fellow.

Seraphine: He seems pretty nice, I must say...

You follow Reese to the classroom despite your nerves. He opens the door when you arrive to show all eight of the students inside.

Magnolia: You chose to follow the Blue Lions? Wow, I'm honored!

Falon: So, you'll be helping out our class for this school year?

Reese: In a way. The professor will be given the choice to switch between houses each month, and when given the choice... Well, you can see what was chosen pretty clearly.

Aestlyn: You chose our house first? Wow... Thank you!

Kyle: Well, aren't you adorable? We should hang out sometime.

Illona: Um... Hello again...

Nora: I'm sure we'll have a great time together this month.

Karim: So, you like our house best?

You stare at him in surprise before he begins laughing.

Karim: I'm only joking around! I really am happy that you're with us.

Cassia: I have faith you know what you are doing... Lady Aisa would not have reached out to you otherwise. I sense she is hard to gain trust from.

Falon: Magnolia said the professor helped her out of a bind when she was helping that village get back on their feet. I can't blame Lady Aisa for trusting the professor for that act alone.

Illona: Um... What made you choose our house? If you don't mind my asking, that is...

You explain that You wanted to learn more about the students of this house.

Illona: I guess that makes sense...

Karim: We're glad to have you with us, Prof. I bet you'll do a great job.

Aestlyn: We'll all do our best!

Reese: I expected there to be some conflict, if I'm being perfectly honest, but perhaps I had too little faith.

Magnolia: We all know the professor will do a great job with us!

Cassia: What will we be doing first, Professor Schweighen?

Reese: At the end of this moon, you'll all participate in a mock battle with the other houses. It's a tradition here at Garreg Mach.

You are taken back by the mention of moons. You assume this is how the calendar works, but You cannot remember it due to your amnesia.

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