{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Four: Unlamented Sin II (Blue Lions

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The night before the emperor arrives to give You your mission briefing, You are walking around the monastery when You come across Chris standing alone. You decide to approach her.

Chris: Ah-! H-Hello, Professor. How are you doing this fine evening?

You ask her what she is doing out so late.

Chris: N-Nothing... O-Okay, I'm thinking about tomorrow. My father is going to be here... Just thinking about it makes me sick.

You ask what her father is like.

Chris: I already told you at the beginning of the month not to get caught up in anything that he tells you. He's been known to manipulate a lot of people. He's come off as a great ruler of Adrestia who has done a lot for the nobles, but... There's more to it than that. I'm not looking forward to seeing him.

You tell her You would like more details.

Chris: I... Um... Professor, I don't mean to offend, but I don't think I can do that right now. I don't want to anger him further. He hates me enough as it is. Besides, it's getting late, perhaps we should both go to bed.

Seraphine: She's definitely dodging the question. Press a bit harder!

You follow Seraphine's instructions and ask again.

Chris: I'm sorry. I need to keep this to myself, at least until the end of the mission. I don't want your opinions to be influenced by me just because I don't get along with him very well. I should probably let you form your own opinion on him anyways. It's late enough as it is.

Seraphine: Isn't she insistent on not saying anything?

Chris: Goodnight, Professor.

Chris walks away, and Seraphine appears at your side.

Seraphine: The more people talk about this emperor, the more afraid I get. He can't really be that bad, right...? Then again, if his own child is so scared of him... I don't know. I have a bad feeling about all of this.

You nod your agreement before returning to your room. It has gotten rather late, and You have a big day ahead of You. Seraphine follows You, and You both fall asleep soon after in preparation for the day to come.

The next morning, You and the students do not meet in the Blue Lions homeroom, but rather, outside of Aisa's room on the second floor. Chris is with your group.

Chris: Well... Here we are. We're about to get our orders from the emperor of Adrestia about our next goal.

Reese: You look like you're about to pass out.

Chris: It's not a big deal.

Magnolia: I'm curious as to what he'll have to say on the matter of the mission...

Falon: Not to be that person, but... I have a bad feeling about him.

Aestlyn: I haven't heard many good things about the emperor.

Nora: I've never met him, or anyone on par with his station, but... I don't think he's very pleasant, if that's okay for me to say.

Karim: Somebody told me that he eats babies each morning for breakfast.

Illona: That... That's ridiculous! N-Nobody eats babies!

Chris: He doesn't eat babies. He eats the hopes and dreams of everyone he comes into contact with.

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