{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter One: Garreg Mach III (Black Eagles)

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After thinking long and hard, You decide to assist the Black Eagles house in your first month of teaching. You tell Aisa, Roy, and the professors such.

Aisa: Your choice is the Black Eagles?

You nod.

Aisa: I am glad to hear that you have made the choice that is best for you. I'm sure the Black Eagles will be happy to have you for the next month.

Herwig: I'm glad to hear it! The students are bound to be waiting for us back in the classroom.

Roy: It's time for you to go and tell them you have made up your mind for the month.

Aisa: I hope the Black Eagles treat you well in the month to come.

You thank everyone there for this opportunity before following Herwig out of the room. She leads You to the Black Eagles homeroom.

Herwig: I have a feeling the students will enjoy your company. They're all good kids.

Seraphine: He has a lot of faith in his students...

You follow Herwig to the classroom despite your nerves. He opens the door when you arrive to show all eight of the students inside.

Chris: Professor, you're back... This means you're with the Black Eagles, right?

Polly: It appears the professor will be with our class for the rest of the year.

Herwig: Sort of. The professor will be choosing a house each month to follow and assist in teaching. You can see which house was selected first quite clearly.

Zelhira: You chose the Black Eagles first? Good choice.

Florence: I'd love to get to know you better in the time to come.

Hegias: G-Greetings, Professor.

Aquillus: You have my sincere thanks for joining our house.

Tuncay: So, the Black Eagles are your favorite?

You stare at them in surprise before they begin laughing.

Tuncay: It was just a joke. No worries. We're glad to have you.

Callisto: I'm sure you have a plan as to what you're doing. I don't think the archbishop would have extended this offer to you otherwise.

Polly: Chris mentioned the professor saved her life in the village near the monastery. If I had been in her situation, I would have been trusting as well.

Hegias: I hope I'm not crossing a line by asking this, but... What made you want to choose our house first? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

You explain that You wanted to learn more about the students of this house.

Hegias: I see... Thank you.

Tuncay: I bet you'll do a great job. If not, well... Things won't turn out well for you.

Florence: Ignore them. You'll do fine.

Herwig: I'm glad to see everyone is getting along. I was sort of worried things would take a turn for the worse.

Chris: I trust the professor, and I think the others do as well...

Zelhira: Do you know what we'll be doing first, Professor Wessin?

Herwig: When this moon comes to a close, all three houses will be competing in a mock battle to test how skilled the students are.

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