{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Nine: Divine Salvation I (Black Eagles)

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At the start of the Ethereal Moon, You wake up as Seraphine manifests.

Seraphine: We're probably going to be helping out that minor church this month... I can't imagine we would be doing anything else.

You nod your agreement and start to head upstairs to meet Aisa and Roy. Upon your arrival, they address You quickly.

Aisa: Greetings, Professor.

Roy: I take it you already know what your mission will be?

You nod and suggest the minor church from Faerghus.

Aisa: That assumption is correct. You will take one class to aid them in staving off the invasion from Malice.

Roy: However, this month has more in store than the simple mission.

Aisa: This is the month of the White Heron Cup, an annual dance competition among the houses. If you wish to compete, ask a student from your chosen house to go forth. Each house will select one person.

Roy: In most cases, the charming people will succeed, so keep that in mind.

You nod.

Aisa: Soon after the White Heron Cup, there will be a festival here at the monastery... This year, the monastery turns 995 years old. This festival will celebrate that. We hold one each year.

Roy: Garreg Mach's history of nearly a thousand years is celebrated on this night. All students of the Officers Academy are invited to attend.

Aisa: As a teacher, you will be helping to chaperone the event.

Roy: Make sure your little treasures stay out of trouble.

You nod once again.

Aisa: Until then, there is something much more important to discuss...

Roy: I agree. Who will you be going with this month to eliminate Malice?

You think for a moment before deciding to follow the Black Eagles.

Aisa: The Black Eagles are your choice?

You confirm your decision.

Roy: I'm glad to hear it.

Aisa: You should head to see your students then. I'm sure they are waiting for you.

Roy: Have a nice day, Professor.

You thank them before heading away from the room to move for the Officers Academy. Seraphine appears at your side.

Seraphine: A ball? A dance competition? Shouldn't we be focusing on more important things like the mission at hand?

You shrug neutrally.

Seraphine: If the church wants to be like this, then I suppose that's a decision out of our control. The least we can do is attempt to have a nice time. How does that sound?

You nod your agreement as You arrive in the Black Eagles homeroom.

Herwig: Hello, Professor.

Polly: It's nice to see you.

Aquillus: You know what the mission is, right? Go on and explain it.

You tell them about the minor church.

Tuncay: Sounds easy enough.

Zelhira: We shouldn't let ourselves get too confident though. That would be a recipe for disaster.

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