{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Eight: Echoes of Crescent II (Black Eagles)

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On the last day of the moon, You wake up and rise to your feet. Seraphine appears beside You.

Seraphine: Is it too much to ask for answers? Somehow, I think so, but I guess whatever happens will happen no matter what we want.

You start to walk to the Black Eagles homeroom.

Seraphine: You know what else I would love? Finally remembering what the past was like for us. Why am I so much younger than you? Where in the world did I come from? Who are you really? How are you involved with Evenor Hepius? Why can only you see me? I can't stop thinking about it.

You arrive at the classroom, nodding silently. Seraphine disappears. Inside the classroom, You see the students of the Black Eagles, Herwig, Nesreen, Kaeta, and Yuliya.

Herwig: Good morning, Professor.

Chris: I think we're ready to go.

Polly: Here's to hoping this goes well.

Florence: I have faith.

Aquillus: I'm nervous about it. This could easily go horribly.

Zelhira: The enemy won't hold back.

Callisto: Don't let your confidence fall! We've got this!

Tuncay: We'll bash their skulls in. No worries.

Hegias: Hold on... There's something else important to do.

Nesreen: We have someone to introduce now.

Kaeta: Yuliya, say hello.

Yuliya: Hey, I guess.

Herwig: We're set to finish off the fighters from Malice in the Empire.

Chris: They won't escape. I promise.

Polly: Is everyone ready?

Zelhira: I know I am.

Callisto: I want to learn why this is happening sooner rather than later.

Aquillus: I'm curious as well.

Tuncay: I'm sure they have a reason for this... I just want to know it.

Florence: Hopefully we'll learn it today.

Kaeta: I know I want to hear about it. I'm sick of not having any answers.

Nesreen: Lady Aisa will want to hear about this.

Yuliya: Of course...

Herwig: Gather your supplies. It's time to head out.

Polly: We'll be traveling for quite some time to get there.

Callisto: Guess we'll have to stay calm for a while...

Florence: We can do that. No worries.

Yuliya: Goddess, save my soul...

Aquillus: Then let's go.

Zelhira: Answers will come soon.

Hegias: If you're so sure...

Kaeta: Optimism, everyone! Don't let your spirits down.

Tuncay: Confident, I see...

Nesreen: Come on. Let's just get to it.

Chris: We'll be back soon with answers. I swear it.

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