{Part Two: Emerald Tempest} Chapter Twenty: Unbroken II

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The end of the moon comes just as expected, and You start to rise to your feet to head out of your room to face the mission at hand. Seraphine manifests before You soon afterward.

Seraphine: This is going to be it... It's time for us to start our charge off to Shambhala. I don't know if I'm ever going to be ready for what's going to face us there, but... There's no time quite like the present to find out what's there. Let's go on and see what we can find--

You are cut off by a sharp knock at the door. Seraphine disappears, and You move to open the door. On the other side, You are met with none other than Kaeta, who is notably panicked.

Kaeta: Professor, we have to get going! Come on!

You ask what has her so stressed.

Kaeta: Our invasion of Shambhala is being... Uh... How do I say this? ...Forcefully postponed. That's as good a term as any, I guess.

You question her once again on what she means.

Kaeta: The monastery is being attacked, and it's up to us to defend it.

Your eyes go wide, and You trail after Kaeta in a concerned daze. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: This can't be good... Gods above, I hope that everyone is alright. We're going to have to put our all into this fight. We can think about Shambhala later, but for now, we're going to have to focus on getting out of this in one piece.

Seraphine stops speaking as You arrive at the front of the monastery. The rest of the Knights of Seiros are already there and waiting for You.

Cordelia: Good, we're all here. As you have no doubt recognized, the monastery is under attack as we speak.

Piers: Do we know who's responsible for it?

Miriam: As far as I can tell, it's the Empire.

Wynne: I suppose that they haven't been taking too kindly to us pushing through their territory.

Yuliya: Us going to the area of Shambhala must have been the last straw.

Rodain: But I could have sworn that the Empire was on the verge of falling.

Cassia: It seems that it didn't quite fall fast enough.

Derric: Then we'll do what we can to mount a defense.

Kaeta: How many of them are there?

Cordelia: There are more of them than I could have expected... What a cruel twist of irony. It's like we're back and fighting the Battle of Garreg Mach just like five years ago. An invasion from the Empire as we defend the monastery... Who would have imagined that we'd be here again?

Kaeta: But we aren't going to let this end the way that last fight did.

Rodain: We'll do what we can to defend the monastery no matter what.

Miriam: We have more experience than we did five years ago, so we had best put it to good use.

Yuliya: This isn't going to be an easy battle.

Wynne: That hasn't ever stopped us before, has it?

Piers: We were about to go off and invade Shambhala. This can't be the most ridiculous thing we've ever done when compared to that in particular.

Cassia: Is everyone ready for this?

Derric: Truth be told, I don't think I ever will be.

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