{Part Two: Dandelion Wind} Chapter Sixteen: Collapse at Last I

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When the next moon begins, You wake up and prepare for the next meeting of the Golden Deer.

Seraphine: I wonder what's going to come next for us... We have a solid foothold in the Alliance, and if I had to guess, I would say that we're getting closer to evening the stakes between the Malice forces and those that follow Raithius. We won't know for sure until we go and ask though, so let's head over to the cardinals' room.

You nod your agreement and move to the cardinals' room. The Golden Deer are gathered around a map of Leicester, and they all look up when You arrive.

Jill: Ah, Professor. It's good to see you. We've been making more progress on our next outing.

Raithius: I'm thinking that there's one primary house that stands in the way between us and evening the stakes... House Goneril.

Cedric: I see... House Goneril has territories in both Faerghus and Leicester since it rests right on the border. If we could take them out, maybe we could make things better for us in the future.

William: On top of that, it will allow Magnolia to fight back harder on her side... I've heard that she's been fighting pretty desperately to reclaim Faerghus territory completely.

Adeline: I've heard the same... I'm hoping that we'll be able to meet up with her one of these days for a possible alliance.

Sofia: For now, we should prioritize reclaiming Goneril lands. The territory is massive, and we really need that extra land.

Lev: That's certainly true... We aren't going to be able to make much more progress until we can knock the Goneril family out of this mess.

Wolfgang: Nova, what are you thinking about all of this? You've been awfully quiet.

Novalee: I'm merely trying to come up with a strategy for our next fight. If we're truly going to be invading Goneril lands, we're going to need to be ready.

Cedric: That's right... You're from House Goneril, so it only makes sense that you would know more about it than anyone else.

Sofia: How are you holding up? I know that this sort of thing isn't easy even if you hate your family. Believe me from last month.

Novalee: I'm not affectionate towards my family in the slightest, so I couldn't care less. In all honesty, I just want to reclaim that territory for the sake of our campaign.

Raithius: We're going to be trying hard to strategize for this month for quite a while. House Goneril has the largest army in the Alliance outside of the primary Leicester fighting force.

Jill: Getting around that isn't going to be easy, but if anyone is going to pull it off, it'll be you two.

Lev: We'll do what we can to support you in the meantime. All you need to do is give us the word, and we'll help out.

William: Exactly what he said. You know us Golden Deer; we're like a family.

Raithius: And I'm glad to have you all. If something changes and we need aid, we'll be sure to speak up.

Adeline: Is there anything else you want to talk to us about during this meeting? You seem to have a lot to deal with already.

Wolfgang: Actually, that's where I'm coming in. I've been reaching out to learn more about other happenings on the continent, and I've found a few interesting tidbits.

You ask what she is talking about.

Wolfgang: First of all, the Knights of Seiros haven't made much progress in finding Lady Aisa. They seem to think that she's still alive, and they're still searching, but... There hasn't been anything new.

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