{Part Two: Azure Moon} Chapter Nineteen: Laid to Rest I

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When the next moon arrives, You rise to your feet, and Seraphine manifests beside You. She laughs as You turn your head in her direction.

Seraphine: I still can't believe that this is actually real... I'm standing here, and you're right there. Against all odds, we're here and breathing at the same time.

You nod and say that the end of the previous moon brought many surprises.

Seraphine: I finally feel as if we understood Magnolia for the first time since we were last here in the monastery. Everything has changed around us, but... At least she's come to trust us once again. I think that's a significant step for us to take, wouldn't you agree?

You say that You feel the same.

Seraphine: For now, let's go and see what we can hear about for the coming moon and its mission. I think that would do us some good.

Seraphine retreats to hide inside of your mind, and You say that You are happy she is agreeing to such a thing. You know that You will have to explain her presence to others sooner or later, but for the time being, You are content to keep her presence quiet at her request.

You make your way to the cardinals' room and find the Blue Lions there as expected. Magnolia is looking down at a map of the continent, and You find that she is far less tense than she was prior to the previous mission. You realize that a weight has been taken off her shoulders since You conversed with her about all that has transpired in the past few years.

Magnolia: Good morning, Professor. We were just planning our next mission into other territories, and we've run into... Well, let's just say that we've found a problem or two.

Luciana: The charge through Leicester has caused a few nobles to attempt to flee to Faerghus. Because of the coup taking place in the Empire, nobody feels safe to go there. Many nobles and high-ranking officials are being targeted by the rebels, after all.

Aestlyn: And so, we have one group of invading fighters moving in our direction. They haven't breached the border yet, but it would be for the best if we intercepted them before it can grow to be a larger issue.

Reese: The territory that you have circled is House Admoderor... They certainly are moving quite a way to get away from the Alliance. The Empire would have been an easier target for them, but they decided to come our way instead.

Falon: We'll do what we can to stop them then. It's the least that we can do at this point. We need to make sure that nothing happens on either side of the border, and Raithius likely has more than enough to focus on right now.

Illona: I understand. We'll stay on our guard, and if they manage to go over the border and pass into Faerghus territory, then we'll lash out with all of the force that we have to make sure that nothing bad takes place.

Nora: Perfect. We can wait to see if anything else happens in other territories as well. There's not much left for us to move through as far as I can tell... I'm sure that you've already heard the report from the informants.

Cassia: I have, as a matter of fact. Other Malice troops have been left to retreat because of our actions in Schweighen territory. The previous moon's battle certainly helped to spur a quick retreat as well.

Karim: I bet that a lot of the Malice forces are terrified of what could happen to them if they stick around. I think we've made it pretty clear that we aren't going to be playing around from here on out.

Kyle: I think that one thing we've learned from this endeavor is that the battle isn't over for us. Stopping the assassins isn't where it all ends here. There are more things for us to take care of, and there's probably another leader out there that we have to stop.

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