{Part Two} Impossible Escape (Nora x Kyle)

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While walking through the monastery, You find yourself seeing Kyle and Nora engaged deep in conversation. You approach them carefully, doing your best to not interrupt.

Nora: Kyle, where have you been? You've been away from the monastery for hours, and I was starting to get worried about you.

Kyle: I'm sorry... I was doing some research, I guess you could say.

Nora: Research...? What are you even talking about?

Kyle: Well... Um... You see, a few years before I first started attending classes at the monastery, I lost someone dear to my heart. She was the one who looked out for me before I came to Garreg Mach.

Nora: I see... What happened to her?

Kyle: She was murdered, and... I never was able to find answers. I had an inkling as to who did it, but I was never sure. I started doing my research when I learned that the suspect was near here, and... I think that I'm sure that she was the one who did it now.

Nora: What makes you so confident?

Kyle: I spoke to her briefly, and while she didn't recognize me, she seemed really mad when I brought up Teresa... That was the name of the woman that looked after me.

Nora: Was she around at the time of the crime?

Kyle: She most certainly was... And I'm confident now that she was the one who did it.

Nora: So, what are you planning on doing about it? You can't keep investigating forever if you think that she's the guilty party.

Kyle: I'm going to confront her soon.

Nora: No, you're not.

Kyle: What?

Nora: I'm going to come with you, and others are going to join us. After all, we aren't about to just let you go at this alone. You're ridiculous if you think that we would actually leave you to do something like that by yourself.

Kyle: Alright... I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of help.

Nora: And I'm sure that a certain someone would like to come along for sure... Isn't that right, Professor?

You gasp upon being addressed and show yourself, apologizing for eavesdropping.

Kyle: Don't worry about it... I actually like the idea that you guys are willing to come along with me. Doing this alone probably isn't a good idea since she's bound to be a dangerous woman when cornered.

Nora: I'm glad that we agree on that. Professor, are you ready to go?

You tell them that You will prepare volunteers to leave the monastery on this mission.

Kyle: Okay... This doesn't even feel real. Finally, I'm going to face her.

Nora: No... We're going to face her. Together.

A few hours later, You find yourself outside an abandoned theater within the town surrounding Garreg Mach.

Kyle: This... This is the place, I believe.

Nora: It looks like it's been abandoned for a long time.

Kyle: I think it was the war that did this... Nobody's had much of an urge to perform in the past few years, I suppose. Most shows are done at taverns nowadays.

Nora: I see... Well, there's no time like the present to get in there.

Kyle: She's been lurking around here a lot as far as I can tell from those that have seen her in the town... She's going to be here. I'm sure of it.

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