{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Seven: Fangs of Corruption (Ashen Wolves)

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You descend into Abyss while exploring the monastery. You begin to look around to see if You can find any of the Ashen Wolves.

You head into the library first, encountering Magnus off the bat.

Magnus: The Canis Mafia, eh? I've heard more than enough about them... Some say that they're related to the Bazler smuggling ring. As for if that theory holds any merit, who can say? This battle is not going to be easy. Good luck.

You leave the library and walk to the Wilting Rose Inn. You see Tsubasa and Ansel speaking inside.

Tsubasa: The Canis Mafia... You seem like you've heard of them.

Ansel: Of course I have. Who hasn't? Columbus might be the most corrupt noble out there.

Tsubasa: That's saying a lot given the current political climate of this continent...

Ansel: I don't know what's going to happen this month, but I'm sure that he's going to deserve whatever he gets.

Tsubasa: If he's as bad as I've heard, then I'm positive that you're right.

Ansel: He's like nightmares made human... Disgusting.

You leave the tavern and walk down Burrow Street. You see Gabriel speaking with Ernst.

Gabriel: A black market smuggling ring? Sounds oddly familiar.

Ernst: I know that you're talking about Bazler... Some say they're connected.

Gabriel: It wouldn't surprise me. Think about the business they're involved with.

Ernst: You're likely correct, as much as I hate to say it...

Gabriel: No organization before or since has been as powerful as those two.

Ernst: How disgusting it is that they use their power this way.

You head towards Chrysalis Row next. You see Eli standing in the boys' dorm room.

Eli: Everything has been moving so quickly as of late... The school year is over halfway finished, but it feels like barely any time has passed... I know that it hasn't been long since we met, but... I'll miss you when this conflict is over.

You say that You feel the same.

Eli: I'm glad my feelings are reciprocated, Professor.

You move on, encountering Quinn and Grey in the Ashen Wolves classroom.

Grey: I'm worried about the spreading influence of Malice... I get the feeling you think the same.

Quinn: I do... They've been growing so quickly in so little time. It's rather concerning.

Grey: I don't know what their aim is meant to be, but they seem intent on accomplishing it.

Quinn: Here's to hoping that they are stopped sooner rather than later.

Grey: Only time will tell how this plays out, it seems.

Quinn: You speak the unfortunate truth...

You head to the Pagan Altar, seeing Taiyin and Saias together.

Taiyin: You've seemed rather nervous ever since the idea of the smuggling ring has come up.

Saias: I suppose it's just a bit too serious a reminder of things I'd much rather forget.

Taiyin: I'm sorry that it's bothering you, Saias... Is there anything that I can do to help?

Saias: I don't think I can come up with anything, but... I still appreciate the gesture.

Taiyin: You wound up in an illegal tournament fighting ring, didn't you?

Saias: Yeah... The dark dealings of the Canis Mafia are too serious a reminder of that.

Taiyin: I'm sorry... Here's to hoping this all ends soon.

After You finish looking around Abyss, You head back to the surface to continue looking around the monastery. 


Woo cross post


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