{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Six: Tainted Memories II (Black Eagles)

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The morning of the mission, You wake up and make your way to the Black Eagles homeroom. When You arrive, You see the students standing with Herwig.

Herwig: Well, we're ready to investigate what's been happening in Leicester... Though something tells me we're all fully aware of what's going on.

Polly: It doesn't take a genius to determine.

Zelhira: There's no reason to wait here. We have to get going.

Tuncay: From what I've heard, we're going to be joined by a knight, but we need to make sure she's here before leaving.

Chris: That's right... Kaeta is joining us.

Aquillus: Isn't it strange to think that we're finally getting help with a knight? And after such a long stretch of inactivity...

Hegias: The archbishop has her reasons, I'm sure.

Callisto: I can't help but ask why that is...

Florence: There's our friend now.

The door opens as Kaeta walks in.

Kaeta: Greetings, students.

Chris: You don't need to be so serious with us, Kaeta. We're all equals here, so you can keep the formalities minimal.

Kaeta: Well, isn't that a nice offer? I suppose I'll just have to take you up on that.

Callisto: Welcome to the group, Kaeta.

Florence: Well, aren't you a strong one...? I'm impressed.

Kaeta: Why, thank you! You're a sweet one.

Seraphine: Looks like Florence is going to be having a field day with this new friend...

Polly: With Kaeta here, we've got no reason to stay here. Let's go.

Aquillus: There are many questions I have... I want answers this month.

Zelhira: I'm sure you'll figure something out.

Tuncay: Malice won't be escaping this time.

Hegias: Let's get down to business.

Herwig: Hegias has a point. Let's go.

The students, Herwig, and Kaeta leave the room. You follow them.

Over the next two or so hours, the group travels to Leicester territory. Upon arriving, the group stands on a trade road near the capital.

Herwig: This is the general area Malice was last seen in.

Chris: I thought somebody would be here...

Polly: All we need is patience.

Florence: I just heard something.

Hegias: Look over there!

A man appears from behind the nearby trees. His name is John.

John: Monastery brats... What are you doing here?

Aquillus: I could ask you the same thing. Out with it.

Zelhira: Don't make the enemy mad on purpose...!

Callisto: Why are you here?

John: It's strictly business. I'm sorry to say that it's just how things have to be.

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