{Part One: White Clouds} Chapter Five: Beneath the Surface I (Blue Lions)

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You wake up on the first Sunday of the next month, the Verdant Moon. When You look around, Seraphine appears immediately.

Seraphine: I have a bad feeling about today... I can't really put a finger on it.

You nod your agreement. Something is going on, but You are not sure what it is. Despite this, You get to your feet and walk to see Aisa. Seraphine follows You silently, looking around to see if she can determine what is bothering her so much.

When You arrive in Aisa's room, You see Aisa and Roy standing together with a frown.

Aisa: Professor, I'm afraid I come with bad news.

Seraphine: Gods above... Please don't tell me anybody died.

Roy: One of our students has gone missing...

Seraphine: What?!

Aisa: I'm afraid that Florence of the Black Eagle House has disappeared... It has been a few days since we've seen her, and there aren't any traces of her around the monastery.

Seraphine: Well, that explains why we were feeling weird... But who could have taken her? Who would want to take her?

Roy: We've searched the monastery top to bottom but have ultimately come up short. I'm sorry to say this, but we aren't sure what happened.

Aisa: Originally, we were going to have your class investigate the full truth behind a Leicester lord's involvement with Lord Bazler, but... That is going to have to be put on hold until we find out where Florence has gone to.

Roy: Even so, we will try to go on with life as normally as possible. You will still pick a house and teach those students in the coming weeks. This whole month, you will be searching for Florence on the side.

Aisa: I'm truly sorry you had to find out this way, Professor.

Seraphine: How could they just lose a student? If she was running away, wouldn't you expect her to show more signs of upset? No... I don't think she ran away. If you want my opinion, somebody took her. She always seemed happy here. Why would she run off if she was happy?

You can't help but agree with her. You are sure Florence was kidnapped. You propose this to Aisa and Roy.

Roy: We believe she was kidnapped as well... Of course, we don't truly have any evidence on the matter right now, but it seems odd that she'd just go missing all of a sudden.

Aisa: I've been trying to find Herwig to tell him that something is amiss, but I have been unable to contact him. I fear something has happened to him as well.

Seraphine: Teacher and student? How strange... Is there anything that could further connect the two?

You ask if Herwig and Florence are connected beyond merely being teacher and student.

Aisa: Herwig was the one who recruited Florence to the Academy to begin with. It's rare for commoners to get into the Black Eagles, but he insisted that she was something special. I can't say what his reasoning was.

Roy: He claimed she was interesting in some way he couldn't really explain to us until he was sure. He refused to share even his suspicions.

Seraphine: If Florence was the target of these mysterious kidnappers, maybe they took the professor because of their connection.

Aisa: We ask that you investigate both of their rooms to see if there are any signs of what happened.

Roy: Please report back to us after you've found something, assuming you do notice anything at the scene.

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