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Meet the cast of Fódlan Alternative!

The Black Eagles

The Black Eagle House is made up of students from the Adrestian Empire and surrounding nations. It is led by the heir of the Empire this year. The students of the Empire tend to lean towards using magical skills.

Meet the Students:

House Leader: Chris von Faixnoye
Age: 17
Birthday: October 17
Sexuality: Lesbian
Crest: Major Crest of Seiros
Creator: digitaldreams
Chris is the heir of the Adrestian Empire set to be its next ruler. Despite her heritage, she is quiet and awkward, not used to speaking with others. Her time at Garreg Mach marks her first departure from the capital of Adrestia. Behind her shyness and introversion, she hides a silent enmity for Crests and the system they create.

Advisor: Polly Riverbane
Age: 19
Birthday: February 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crest: Minor Crest of Cichol
Creator: Girlinatophat
The aloof advisor of the Black Eagles, Polly has been with Chris for over a decade. The two are close companions, and Polly is fiercely loyal to her. She keeps her emotions in check and rarely shows much of how she feels, but she seems to be hiding a large secret behind her peculiar and consistent silence.

Student: Florence Eaton
Age: 19
Birthday: March 10
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crest: N/A
Creator: shxny
Before being invited to the monastery, Florence worked as a mercenary in the Empire. She came to the school with a scholarship in hopes of bettering herself. She is talkative and confident. Years of observation taught her how to be practical and resourceful with what she's given, turning her into a crafty young woman.

Student: Zelhira von Schlarzer
Age: 18
Birthday: September 14
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crest: Minor Crest of Cethleann
Creator: LyraPhoenix
Zelhira is a rather cynical and deadpan person to most. She is distant upon first coming into contact with someone, keeping to herself a majority of the time. For reasons unknown, Zelhira seems to expect scorn from the people around her regardless of how long they've known one another.

Student: Hegias Chymes
Age: 18
Birthday: August 24
Sexuality: Pansexual
Crest: Major Crest of Ernest
Creator: Strix
Hegias gained a spot in the academy for his incredible fighting prowess despite being born a commoner. Years of being sheltered resulted in him being rather awkward and unsure of how to interact with others. He wishes to reach out but ultimately lacks the knowledge on how to do so, leaving him somewhat lonely.

Student: Callisto Alteria
Age: 19
Birthday: April 20
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Crest: N/A
Creator: solxlilly
Callisto is one of few commoners who made it into the Black Eagles. Upon arriving, she began telling her tales to all who would listen in between performing displays of grandeur. Callisto is talkative and friendly on top of being open-minded and adaptable. She has a mischievous side she hides behind a perfect smile.

Student: Tuncay Yangalev
Age: 20
Birthday: May 31
Sexuality: Pansexual
Crest: N/A
Creator: StattStatt
Tuncay is the weapon specialist among the Black Eagles. They have a history in blacksmithing and share their knowledge with the others in their house. They are blunt and honest, preferring to spend time with weapons rather than people. They hold disdain for the current system of nobility, believing strength should be earned and not given.

Student: Aquillus von Einem
Age: 18
Birthday: December 5
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crest: Minor Crest of Macuil
Creator: Jay von Ike
Aquillus is a quieter member of his house, often keeping to himself and holding others at arm's length. He does have a kind heart, but he seems to struggle with allowing people into his bubble, choosing to remain distant instead. He remains dignified and solemn at all times and dislikes meaningless conversation.

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