Meant to Be (Request)

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We didn't know the party was being thrown, but I loved every minute of it.

Melody had set it all up without my knowledge or consent, but I wasn't mad. It was a surprise engagement party for Niall and I at my house.

I had been told we were going clubbing that night, so I was wearing something a little different than what I'd imagined I'd wear to my engagement party. I quickly changed into something more toned down and with less dark lipstick (pic on side) after I'd thanked everyone for coming.

I spent time talking to everyone while Melody and a few others handed out drinks and people snacked.

Niall's hand didn't leave mine, and he made it a point not to shake people's hands because ours were linked together.

'Can't let go of her or she might run away' he would always say. They would laugh, and I would try to dart off.

As the night went on, Niall got even more touchy. We would be making conversation, and he'd rest his head on my shoulder or play with my fingers instead of intertwining them with his own.

When holding my hand wasn't enough, his hand would be around my waist or shoulder. When he tried to kiss me, I stopped him.

"What's with you tonight?" I asked, not annoyed just curious.

"I just really want to kiss you, but I haven't had time," he smiled, and I heard his stomach growl as he poked my side.

"Go eat something while I talk some more," I ordered, pushing him away playfully.

My parents arrived late, of course, and I chatted with them for a while. Melody came over to tell me how cute a guy from my high school was, and then Niall finally got me.

I was just finished in the bathroom when he pulled me into a closet with him.

"Niall!" I exclaimed, but he didn't bother telling me to be quiet. He only kissed me, long and hard. I furrowed my eyebrows at him even though he probably couldn't see me, sighing when he pulled away.

"Why are you so in love with me today?" I wondered, and he brought me in for a hug, his whole body against mine. I hadn't had a hug like that from him in a long time, so I let out a comfortable sigh before he let me go. I considered reinitiating the embrace, but he'd began answering my question.

"I think that's just the way things were meant to be. I have you and you have me and that's how it's supposed to happen," he seemed to smile. "I couldn't imagine a life with anything different." I felt my heart swell with all the love he had for me, and I wanted him to feel the same way.

So I stood taller and kissed him once more because I knew what he said was absolutely true.



thanks to loveforHoran93 for requesting this! very sorry for the wait, but I hope you liked it!

I love you all! I hope you enjoyed this week of daily updates because it probably won't happen again for a while lol

forgive me, for I am but only a mortal

Mel xx

p.s. only added the song on the side bc the title is relevant and I watched this movie yesterday and Ross Lynch is in it so I thought of xoxselenatorxox <3

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