Proud of You (Request)

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My heart broke as I watched him pass through the door. I would miss him more than he knew, but I wouldn't tell him that. If I told him how much I would cry and waste my life, he would stay.

As I got one last smile from him, I let myself cry. He would be gone for three years, but being in the army was something he really felt like he needed to do.

I watched his flight take off, the reality of all of it finally setting in. I sat in the car for a while, knowing I would be upset but trying to convince myself to get it together.

Niall and I had only been married three years, but I really loved him. My friends sometimes got annoyed at how much I talked about him. I told myself in that moment that for the time being, I would be my own half.

For the next month, I got a job, started working out, and got a lot of things done. I was very proud of myself. I wrote letters to Niall every week, and the letters he wrote back never failed to be interesting or to make me cry.

One particular night, I was laying in bed, thinking about him. I realized right then something I should have talked to him before he even left.

Niall and I were trying to have a baby, my brain screamed at me. I sat up in my bed, putting my head in my hands.

Before I could blink, I was in the bathroom with a pregnancy test. When the result was positive, I threw it into the corner of the room, horrified.

My fate ran through my head, how I would have to have a child on my own, raise him/her on my own, and then have him/her live without a father for two years. I would also have to deal with everything if that father died -- which he thankfully didn't. I would have killed him.

And I surprised myself at how hard I worked. I pulled through.

I continued working hard up until the nine months were almost up. I saved up my money to pay the bills, taking myself to the hospital to see if it would be a boy or a girl.

When they told me a boy, I was ecstatic; Niall had always wanted a boy.

"Wait," the woman said that was doing my scan. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I asked, a little worried as she intently stared at the monitor that I couldn't see.

"There are twins," she smiled, and I couldn't move. Two. Boys. That was a little more than I was asking for, but so was having a baby in the first place.

"Identical?" I wondered, and she nodded. Every girl in my high school had wanted twins, but it wasn't what I had asked for.

The hardest part wasn't giving birth to them, which was extremely hard, but it was taking care of them once I got home.

They were both handfuls, and I cried a lot. One of my friends offered to come over and help me when she could, but I knew it was something I had to do on my own.

I had to quit my job, of course. I took up a new one quickly, though; video-taping everything I could about the boys. I wanted Niall to know everything about them when he got home.

I had decided the night I had found out in that bathroom that I wouldn't tell him in any letter about the baby -- babies. I wanted it to be a surprise, a homecoming gift.

The only thing I did talk to him about was baby names. I wanted his opinion without telling him directly.

When the letter got to my house that said he would be coming home, I cried out of joy. Those two years had been rough and painful. I wanted to spend them with him, but at least the rest of the boys' life would have a father.

I got a babysitter for the twins that day, shaking as I walked to his gate. I was two minutes late, but I hoped I would be the one to see him first. And I did.

He walked out of the door, pulling his suitcase, and I wanted to scream. He looked so much older, so mature, but his letters had shown that he hadn't changed at all.

Our eyes met, but I was already running towards him. He couldn't even smile before I crushed him a hug, laughing out of pure joy and relief.

"I'm so proud of you," was all I could say as I cried against his shoulder. I wouldn't dare say I missed him in person. I didn't want him to feel bad for chasing his dreams. I wanted him to be just as proud as I was.

He held me against him for a long time, and I wondered at how I had forgotten what his touch felt like.

"I have presents for you," I remembered as I pulled away. He had the biggest and happiest smile on his face for me, and I wanted to cry all over again.

"I worked really hard on them," I said, chuckling to myself. He nodded, not crying but close to it.

We talked the whole car ride home, in which he drove, saying he hadn't driven a real car in a long time. I gave him that pleasure.

When we were at the front door to the house, I had already told the babysitter she could leave the boys on the couch with the television on and head home.

I pushed open the door, seeing them sitting there but turning my attention back to Niall.

"It smells like home," he grinned, and then looking behind me at the boys.

"Are you babysitting?" he wondered, looking back to me. The boys hadn't seen me yet, too engrossed in playing next to the television.

"No," I smiled, seeing him look confused. "I told you. I worked really hard on them," I reminded him. It took him a second, but as soon as he realized it, the boys came running up behind me.

"Mommy!" they both exclaimed, lingering at my feet until I picked them both up, resting them on my hips. They weren't heavy anymore.

"Meet your sons," I smiled, and as I looked up at him, I saw that he was crying.

He tried to say something but couldn't, simply hugging me once more and saying to me what I had said to him.

"I'm so proud of you."



thanks to NERDY-DIRECTIONER for requesting this! I hope you liked it and sorry for the wait!

I'm gonna try to get three imagines out today since I only posted one yesterday. We had a two hour delay from school this morning and that's the only reason this is out xD

Gotta head to school now! I love you guys so much!

Mel xx

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