Kitten (Request)

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I sighed. That day wasn't the greatest of days, but I really had tried to make it fun. Niall and I went to our favorite restaurant, but we found out they were moving to another location. We tried to see a movie, but everything was sold out. Overall, my birthday hadn't been going that well.

We started walking home, defeated and tired. The grey clouds looming overhead didn't help at all with my mood, so I just shoved my hands in my pockets and kept on walking.

We were almost back to our apartment when Niall stopped suddenly in front of an opening to an alleyway.

"Do you hear that?" he spoke softly, turning an ear to the alley. I furrowed my eyebrows, hearing a small noise. I stepped closer, stopping to listen next to a fire escape ladder.

The noise registered, and I acted immediately.

"It's a kitten!" I whispered a little loudly, making sure I didn't scare it off. It was crying, and I wanted to make sure it was okay.

Niall appeared at my side, and I walked further, seeing the small animal in a quite decorative box behind someone's trash can.

My mouth twitched up into a smile for the first time that day, and I crouched down slowly in front of it.

"Hi there," I sighed, seeing a small, pink bow around its neck. It meowed once more, crouched down in the box. A rumble of thunder rolled over our heads, and a few drops of rain hit the pavement around us.

Niall stood beside me, frowning.

"Did someone leave it here?" he wondered, and I shrugged. My fingers wrapped around the small body, resting the poor thing in my lap as I picked up the box to see if I could get anything from that.

There was a small card inside the box, and it was a little dark, but I saw that it said my name.

"Is this supposed to be. . ." I let my words trail off, realizing what all of it was as Niall bent down beside me.

"Happy birthday, babe."



thanks to Salma24xX for requesting this! I'm sorry for the wait, but I hope it was something like what you wanted!

ooh look at me posting daily hah enjoy it

I only have 3 more days off after this and I could barely get up this morning to write this xD I set my alarm for 8 and snoozed until 10 GAH

I love you all and I'm trying my best!

Mel xx

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