Happy (Request)

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My fingers shook, but I didn't really know if it was how nervous I was or because of the medicine they'd given me for the pain I was in. 

I wanted Niall to walk in the door, telling me everything would be alright. Or at least the doctor to tell me some good news. 

I'd been admitted to the hospital with severe and ambiguous symptoms alluding to cancer. They weren't for sure, but the tests we'd done only a few hours earlier would tell me. Until then, I was left to wait for Niall to come from work and shake in my hospital gown. 

I thought about the kids at school, hoping their day was going better than mine. My mind easily trailed off onto more worrying subjects such as what would happen if I died or worse, forgot who they were as time went on. I tried my best to push those thoughts away as my phone buzzed, signalling Niall's arrival. 

I let warm thoughts of him flush out the bad ones, hearing his loud footsteps down the hallway. He pushed open the door, letting his worried eyes meet mine, feeling instant relief. 

He didn't say anything, just coming over and hugging me and pinning me to the bed. I blinked into his shoulder, feeling the heartbeat rushing through his body. 

"You're okay," he let out past my ear as I gripped his jacket a little. I didn't want to cry right then, the urge coming quite suddenly. I waited until he pulled away to say anything, scared that if I didn't have his reassuring gaze I would breakdown. 

I explained what had happened since this morning, his eyes listening closely to me. When I finished, he kissed me for a while, and I could feel the heightened anxiety on his skin. 

We stayed together for a while, talking about nonsense to get my mind off of all it. Eventually, he had to leave to get the kids from school and get them dinner. I said a goodbye that I hated, knowing I would feel lonelier than ever as I waited for the results that night.

I put on the telly to distract myself, laying my bed back so I could easily fall asleep, hoping for that outcome. I didn't know what show I'd gotten, but the man on there, who had a nice voice, started talking about general life and how to live more positively. I was about to try to change the channel, sick of the optimism right then, when I stopped. 

"If you knew you were going to die, what three moments of your life would you relive if you could?" he spoke, and I felt that thought grow, unwanted, in my head as my eyes started to droop. 

I soon fell asleep, happy with my answers but terrified to wake up the next day. 

It was no surprise that I dreamed of those three moments, seeing as how the possibility of my death hung in the air and tickled my neck with its long fingers. 

The first one wasn't hard. I relived it every time Niall said he loved me. Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life. Not only did I get to wear a dress and feel absolutely gorgeous, but I got to be in a metaphorical front row to watch Niall completely fail at saying his vows. He stuttered so much that with every attempt at saying 'I,' his face got redder and redder. I laughed so hard because of how much I loved that everything fell apart. But in the end, we were happy. 

The second one was wonderful, but also petrifying. The moment I'd found out I was pregnant with our son wasn't in the best of places. I had been having a few scares concerning my pregnancy and whether or not I was. We were staying with my parents at the time for Thanksgiving, and I freaked out. What was I supposed to do? Tell them? Niall and I had a mild panic attack together at 2:54 in the morning in the bathroom. Eventually, all of our worries disintegrated. We told them and they were thrilled, the exact opposite of what we thought would happen. And we were happy. 

And the last moment I dreamed about what abit of a surprise to me. I didn't remember that day until it was playing so vividly in my mind. It was a normal day at home. I was pregnant with the first kid in my arms sleeping soundly. Niall had just come home and made me laugh, and I was sitting on the couch when a wave of emotion came over me. My life had fallen into place, finally. After everything that had happened to me, I finally felt like I was where I needed to be. And we were happy. 

I woke up crying then, sitting up quickly when the door suddenly opened. It was just the nurse, and she only cleaned up a few things as I sat and thought. I knew then that if I was going to die that I wanted the people I loved by my side as much as possible. I picked up my phone to text Niall when the door opened again to reveal the doctor.

My heart plummeted at the look on his face. 

"Hello," he spoke softly, and I felt sick. I convinced myself that it wasn't happening. 

"I'm just here to tell you that we have good news and bad news," he let out, sitting down where Niall had earlier. I didn't move. 

"The bad news is we still don't know what it is that's wrong." I didn't think much more could go wrong. I felt the tears begin to swell, pooling and ready to spill over when he spoke up again. 

"But the good news is that we know for sure it's not cancer." The tears fell anyway, the laugh of relief coming out of me without permission. I covered my face and smiled as wide as I could, glad in that moment that I was okay. 

I imagined the smile I would get to see on my husband's face soon enough, knowing that if nothing else, we would be happy. 



thanks to KristineMeiVisaya for requesting! I hope you liked it! 

ugh i literally suck i know 

i'm so sorry you guys i dont even have an excuse other than i am terrible 

mel xxxxxxxxxxx

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