New Year's (Request)

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I smiled up at the sky as I tried to drown out everyone talking and laughing around me. Yes, my dress from my mom was beautiful (pic on the side), but I wanted to be in my sweatpants on Tumblr right then.

I could only spot one star in the sky, but it was New York City. I was waiting for the ball to drop, but I had been watching it from the top of a building for over an hour. The party up there was dull, just like me, so I took the elevator down the ground to see if I could find something fun to do. It was jam-packed down there, and I just wanted to find what the amazing smell was.

I had forced myself out of the house, making me go and be social somehow. But I hadn't talked to anyone that night.

I pushed through all of the people, spotting a clock that said 11:57. I jumped at how late it had gotten, but I was glad, happy to return home and sleep through the rest of the holiday. I tried to push out the thought that I was a disappointment, but that was what I felt like.

I had dropped out of college because I knew I would fail, but in doing so, I lost a lot of money and ambition. I was living alone, sure that I would have to move back in with my parents soon.

I wanted to find something to lose myself in, to be blindly in love with, to want more than anything, to pull me out of that funk I had found myself in that New Year's Eve.

I turned back to stare at the ball, hearing people start to count down from 60. I shut my eyes, reciting all my childhood wishes and dreams, saying the last, most important thing I wanted as the number decreased further and further.

I wish that I'll be able to find something to love, even if it's not myself.

Just as the multitude of people shouted 'one' and nearly broke my ear drums, someone took my face in their hands and kissed me.

I was so caught off guard that when he let go, I fell on my bum, not being able to catch who it was.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed, running away through the crowds. I sighed out, smiling at the fact that someone decided to kiss me, of all people, on New Year's.

As I heard One Direction begin to perform, I stood up, immediately surrounded by some teenage girls.

"That was Niall Horan that just kissed you!" one of them screamed. My mouth fell open, but I knew better than to believe them.

"Why did he kiss you though?" another one wondered.

"That wasn't Niall Horan, that was some horny idiot," I scoffed, walking off. They were just fangirls with a passion.

I looked up at the stage once more, glancing at Niall before rolling my eyes. It couldn't have been him, and I knew that.

"I was just grabbing someone for a quick snog," he giggled, and the crowd screamed and laughed at the same time. I was only partly convinced, but then he yelled out the exact same 'sorry!' as he had to me.

My heart pounded slowly in my ears, and I found myself walking towards the stage, getting closer and closer. This wasn't some massive stadium, so I could have reached out and touched the heartthrobs if I wanted to.

Some security guard yelled at me as I tried to get as close as possible, but I froze as soon as Niall's eyes met mine. He blushed, and it was confirmed.

My one true wish was to meet him again.



thanks to AdayaBleuPodvin fro requesting! even though this one was mine, I hope you liked it!

i love you all so much and HAPPY 2015!!

double updates everyday, i hope

Mel xx

you guys are the reason i am alive and here and happy

also i wrote this one and the last one in less than two hours BOSS QUEEN SLAY YAS

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