Chapter 71 "Careless"

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I left the room from which Ethan had just left in a kind of shock state, I looked forward as I walked down the corridor but everything seemed blurry, unimportant compared to what was going on in my head. My father bumped into me while I walked through the corridor looking like a zombie, he had to grab me by the arms because I almost fall but I took a couple of steps back as soon as he started talking.

"Ruby, darling, I know you asked me to let you talk with Ethan. Do you need more time?" He used a calm tone of voice. I still had the indifference expression.

"I let him go." I let out without thinking at all.

My father's mad screams took me out from my parcial shook to make me realize that I actually felt scared.

"What do you mean you let him go?!" The calm voice tone faded as his anger grew.

"Let it go, dad." I asked him trying to keep my cool though his gaze intimidated me.

"Let go what?!" His voice tone kept raising.

"Everything, dad!" I finally exploded as some tears left my eyes. "Let Ethan go and above all let Iria go! Stop focusing on the daughter who doesn't want you and focus on the one who needs you!" My heart was racing, my chest went up and down and I didn't even notice I had placed my hand on my belly.

"Ruby, what's wrong?" Now he started to worry.

Fine, let him be worried because I was worried too.

"I'm pregnant." I couldn't hold myself back any longer and I cried, throwing myself to my father's arms because I needed a hug.

My father didn't hesitate to hug me back and kiss me in the forehead.

Dammit, why have I been so careless? I had told Ethan too much and I was dumb, very dumb though it could have been worse, he didn't know that I was a virgin when we first met, what was a success having into account I ruined the alibi my father gave me when he confirmed in the police station that he killed Chrystal, lying and protecting me.

He was a good father opposite to what Iria thought. I didn't want to disappoint him, I never meant to take my guard down with Ethan but it was in that moment when he spitted at me... at my belly and at our baby. At least now I knew that this baby will just be mine.

"Is it from the redhead we had tied up in the room of the corner an hour ago? Do you want me to take a plane to London and kill him?"

I let out a short laugh, I hoped he was joking.

"No, I don't want you to kill anyone." My voice broke when I tried to laugh. "And yes, it's Ethan's but he doesn't know and he will never know it." I began to calm down, letting go of my father's arms to step back. "I don't want you to tell anyone, specially grandpa, you know what he thinks about superhumans."

"You seem to have everything clear, what do you want to do?" He said as he wiped away some tears from my cheek with his thumb.

I smiled, at least I tried. The truth is that I did have my decision clear and I was glad that he was letting me talk.

"I want to have the baby," I let him know. "But I don't want to keep it, I'm thinking about adoption."

My father nodded, he seemed understanding what surprised me, I doubted about how would he react taking into account his history with unexpected babies.

"I want to ask you to let it go, all this thing about Iria, you made everything you could. You found her, you met her, you told her the truth and she took her decision, I need you. We will have to leave... they are probably looking for us right now."

My father and I looked at each other for some time while he thought about what he would say next. Perhaps it was selfish of me to ask him to give up on his daughter but I meant what I said, Iria didn't want to be part of this family and it was time for all of us to get that inside our heads.

"Fine." He finally decided. "Pack your suitcases, darling, I promise I'll look after you both... This time it will just be us, is time to let your sister go."

"Great." I smiled without having to force it for first time in months. Then I hug him again. "Do you think that they will let me choose the baby name?" I thought out loud still hugged to my father.

"If that's what you want then I'll make sure they let you. Any ideas?" His protective tone comforted me but the genuine smile on my lips didn't take long to be replaced by a smirk.

"I don't mind if it's his first or second name but if it's a boy, I want him to be named Jerry." Once again the smirk didn't leave my lips.

My father broke our hug to look me in the eyes.

"Isn't that Ethan's father's name?" He asked confused, we both knew that Ethan's relationship with his father wasn't good.

"Exactly." I answered briefly. "A Quinn always takes revenge."

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