Chapter 81 "Tsunami"

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We we tired when we arrived to the boarding school after our trip to Stockholm so we went to our dorms. Well, Tristan and I were to his dorm, I don't know where were Chrystal and Ethan. The journey home was funny, I had to stand some teases from Ethan about the accident but we both ended cracking up in most of them.

It was in that moment, in which Ethan and I sat next to each other in the bus seats and we laughed and joked about things that just us understood that the nostalgia invaded me, setting in a certain spot in my chest. I missed that, a lot, and it was just sad that I had to strip in front of my best friend to realize we had slowly drifted apart.

Once in the boarding school I tried to focus on my boyfriend, we make out for some time but we kept our clothes on. Tristan and I were talking about how we had to either buy condoms or steal them to Ethan when someone knocked on the door.

There it was again that feeling in my chest when I remembered how Ethan never bought things like condoms but stole them from the shop.

I'm broke but horny, he assured me once.

"Hello? Are you dressed?" The voice of my best friend filled the room, he first step into it covering his eyes.

"We are dressed, Ethan. You can look now." Tristan told him while I avoid some chuckles.

"You sure? By the way we have to set some rules like, whoever gets something dirty, clean it and dare to attempt to reproduce yourselves in my bed and die."

"Late." I joked, lying but enjoying how fast Ethan uncovered his eyes to glare at me. "Just kidding, we didn't have time yet." I laughed, being aware of the effect that yet had in him.

Tristan chuckled, he grabbed my waist from my side and pulled me closer, I kept giggling in his arms, with my cheek on his arm and one of my hands on his chest.

"Whatever, lover birds." Ethan finally gave up. "Tristan, your father told us to meet him at his office."

"He told that to you?" Tristan seemed surprised about the messenger who brought us the orders.

Ethan switched the leg with which he had been holding his weight, he had a serene look and didn't seem nervous at all.

"He told it to Chrystal and she told me to advise you because, you know, I'm faster." He smiled, gesticulating with his hands to the point his thumb pointed at the door behind him. "I'm already going, see you there."

Then he left. I would have thought that it was weird if I didn't know Ethan and imagined that Chrystal probably texted him or they just met accidentally and she told him that we had to go.

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Tristan and I were the last ones who entered the office, this time we didn't bother to arrive at different times because we thought it was pointless. Mr. White was backwards to us, he had the TV remote control in his hand what made me look up to the not-too-big TV that was settled over a shelf in the wall behind his desk, the one that he was facing.

The TV showed the news.

"Who was it?" Mr. White turned around, he was on his nerves, visibly angry.

He had his hand on his mouth and I was sure he had bit his nails before we entered, although he took his hand out of his mouth and kept screaming, this time he pointed at the TV with the remote control. I could focus on what where they talking about in the news when he turned up the volume.

A tsunami. And a natural disaster on a small and deserted island in the Caribbean that had sunk it, destroying everything and reaching the shore of another nearby island where people lived. Fortunately there were no deaths but serious damage to the infrastructure of some buildings.

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