Chapter 2 "Popular bitches"

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Pink. Pink everywhere. Pink sheets, pink cushions, pink lights, pink frames. Everything fucking pink! I jumped out of the bed as if it was on fire, that girly color burned me.

Now that I wasn't laid on anything pink I stopped to analyze the room better. There were two beds, each one at opposite sides of the room, it's true the walls of the room were of a light gray color but the left and right side of the room didn't have anything to do.

The left side, the pink one, had the bed with light pink sheet, the few frames with pictures were of colors of the range of pinks, the frames didn't lock pictures of people but what seemed like magazine clippings, I identified the Eiffel Tower in one. There were LED lights close to the white ceiling of the room, the lights from the left side were white as in the right side but those ones were closer to turn into a very light pink than staying as white, although they were very dim lights.

The left side... The left side was another thing, blue sheets, white cushions, no pink... Yes, that was going to be my bed.

"Who's your roommate? A pink princess?" Ethan started mocking at me, started because I knew he hadn't finished.

I faced Ethan with a disgust face addressing him and my arms crossed, he was laughing his ass out in the small sofa. I have to admit these dorms were very good... they had a sofa and all.

"Wait, wait...!" He continued talking between laughs. "Who's your roommate? A Disney princess? Would you want me to let you and your roommate alone for painting your nails?" He said wiping away a tear that had escaped his eye from laughing that hard.

"Have you finish?" I asked with sarcasm.


"Yes you have," I ordered him making Ethan roll his eyes at my stubbornness. "Let's go explore this place." This time Ethan seemed up to follow my commands.

Ethan got up from the sofa, he seemed to have left the joke aside but when he walked past me to leave the room he whispered something at my ear that made him leave my room running with me chasing him.

"I won't be that one who stops you from looking for Disney castles..."

A whisper, a chase, me punching Ethan -with love- and finally us walking through every corridor we found and opening as many doors as we saw.

The place was huge, we found a library, a football field, lots of classrooms, a gym and much more rooms. Between them my favorite was the gym, we had entered it and it was beautiful, it had a large window with views to the football field from which the light entered and illuminated the gym in an almost magic way, and the best part was that it was deserted so I could get to give some punches to the boxing bag enjoying my loneliness. We had also found something even more useful than the gym, a classroom with a window whose lock was broke enough for it to open, the classroom was on the first floor so it will be an easy way to get away when we need it.

We almost get lost again on our way back to my dorm but thanks to Ethan amazing sense of orientation we found the dorm. Right now I was at the bathroom of the dorm, it surprised me the dorm had it own bathroom but I think I have understood that most of dorm doesn't have one so I guess I can consider myself lucky.

The bathroom was white, the walls were plated with white tiles and the floor was marble like in the corridors of the boarding school, however for the dorms they used parquet. The clothes I wore today were resting on the bathtub, I was wearing my pajamas that consisted of some short back leggins I had cut myself a couple of inches over where my butt ended when they stopped fitting me and an old T-shirt that used to be Ethan's. The T-shirt almost covered the leggins I was wearing under it but I didn't care, I looked at the mirror and without realizing it I had my gaze fixed on my reflection.

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