Chapter 89 "Got my finger on the trigger"

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I had a permanent smile on my face, today was the first official day of summer holidays and while I walked through the corridors, heading to the control for an upcoming call from the princi, I couldn't stop rekindling last night's. It was one of the best fucks we had ever had, we had a good sex marathon in which we never stopped making love.

It still sounded odd to call it that... Make love, it sounds too good to be part of my life.

"What's the deal with that smile so early in the morning?" Ethan teasing tone surprised me from behind, we were both heading to the same place. "That smile is new, is the one for I got laid yesterday and I had a great time?"

I laughed, Ethan was right but the childish tone he made always got a smile out of me.

"Yup." I just replied, my smile grew by seconds.

"Oh, does that mean yesterday Tristan found out how flexible you are?" He nudged me what kept making me chuckle like a nervous and silly little girl.

"Don't be stupid, Ethan, he found out about that months ago." I put a serious expression to look him in the eyes, then a smirk made it way to my face. "Yesterday Tristan went down on me."

Ethan wrinkled his nose, forcing a repulsive expression and afterwards, that a chill ran through him.

"How naughty of my roomie, I'm not going to be able to look him in the face ever again." He dramatized. I rolled my eyes.

"He looks at you after seeing the marks his sister leaves on your skin." I made fun of him opening my mouth to show him my teeth and how they bit. Ethan laughed.

"Yeah, I'm still not getting over it." He surrounded my shoulders with his arm, the sides of our bodies touched and he frowned when he realized he had bumped into something hard. "What do you have under your shorts?" He didn't realized how dirty that sounded until it was late, I chuckled.

"That's inappropriate to ask to a taken woman." I joked. "And it's a gun so careful with what you bump into..." I moved from his side, getting in front of him and sliding my feet through the floor giving some steps back as I still faced him, I moved my eyebrows in a funny way, doing the moonwalk...

What the hell was this thing of love doing to me?

Ethan grabbed my arms to stop me before I bumped into a wall, we both looked confused at the men dressed in black —from the FBI— who stood near to the door of the control room. He seemed to be guarding the door.

The bodyguard didn't look at us when we entered the room, he kept his gaze hid under his sunglasses fixed forward and his posture straighten. The feeling of goosebumps that I got when I walked near him told me he was bad news.

My confused expression remained when we entered the control room to find out there were more FBI agents around there, except they didn't dress like a dispensable agent but as important people in that world. More goosebumps invaded me when Ethan and I stood in front of the twins, pretty far from them because the looks of those people on us didn't make us feel comfortable.

Chrystal and Tristan stood next to his father, he was next to Tristan while Ewan stood by Chrystal's side, both of the white haired had a straighten posture, their hands kept behind their back and an expression so stern that scared me. Chrystal had glassy eyes.

"Ethan Jones and Iria Quinn," a man that I hadn't seen in my life called our names. "We called you here today, in front of all these witnesses, to teach you a valuable lesson. Rules are meant to be followed and there are high consequences when they are broken."

I didn't understand anything, I looked at Tristan, my eyes fixed on him and I realized he moved his lips, no sound escaped them but he vocalized three words so that I could read his lips.

I love you.

I smiled, his 'I love you' always made me smile.  I didn't see the knife coming, Mr. White had it hidden behind his back just like Ewan. My smile started to fade when the knife plunged into his neck and Mr. White moved it to the right to open the cut. The horror arrived to my face when blood started to come from his neck and dirtied his T-shirt, the moment he fell into the floor I sobbed, my heart stopped when I figure out I was watching how he died, next to his sister, who was killed the same way as him.

My knees gave up, I fell to the floor on those weak knees that refused to support my weight and I was left motionless. I was crying, my eyes wouldn't stop crying but my breathing became irregular, I could hear my furious heartbeat and nothing else besides the attempt of my mouth to catch air. Something was wrong with my body, I wasn't even able to make sounds, I tried to catch my breath but I didn't find it and my heart... It was getting bigger, it invaded me, it choked me, its race was killing me.

I needed to breath... How the hell was that done?

I didn't see anything, just his corpus, his warm body now lifeless laid on the floor of that room, dirtied with blood. His perfect pale skin? Now it was red. His blue eyes? I would never seen them again.

I wanted to move... I wanted to run, to run to him, I wanted to hold Tristan's body in my arms, I wanted to scream, at least I got to cry. I wanted so many things... I wanted him but he was gone, he was laying bled out some feet away from me.

I got to avert my gaze from him, I knew that image would hunt me at nights for the rest of my life, instead my eyes laid on Chrystal... She was dead too.

Everything was happening too fast, I couldn't hear myself thinking because I doubted I was thinking at all, it was then when my ears allowed me to hear further than my heartbeat.

A pair of arms grabbed me, he was determinate to take me with him and I didn't fight, I let him drag me, surrounding my chest with his arm to pull on me. It was then when I got to hear his voice.

"We have to get out from here, baby!" Ethan screamed with a panicked voice tone that made me realize that some of that people was trying to get to us.

We left, we got lost in time and the next thing I saw was an apartment that I recognized.

Canada. Everything seemed quiet there, we were buried in a horrible silence that left me alone with my panic attack and confused thoughts.

I knew that nothing good would go through my mind by that time but the moment I grabbed the gun and pointed it against my head even surprised Ethan, who opened his eyes widely when he realized what I was doing .

"He gave me this gun..." I was able to articulate between sobs, tears and trembling lips. "It's so fucking poetic of it to take my life."

By the time I finished the sentence I realized two things;

1. Ethan had pounced on me.

2. I had already pressed the trigger.

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