Chapter 14 "Turn off the lights"

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The next morning I had serious issues to get out of bed, I was exhausted but I had to go to the cafeteria, where the four of us sat at the same table. Ethan ended appearing last night and slept on the sofa so I wouldn't be alone. I remembered things about last night... Tristan in my dorm was one of them. I don't know exactly the reason why he appeared but I do remember a kind of hug-pleading from behind and my intoxicated brain begging him to stay.

I just hope that he knows that I was very drunk because I kinda prefer to have nightmares rather than waking up with him around. He better stay away from me, my nightmares and my lipstick.

Ethan and I spent most of the breakfast hating the twins because they were the only people in the boarding school without hungover. I was aware that my mood today wasn't the best and I was a little... irritable. I'm kinda sure that I told Tristan to take out the stick he had up his ass and apologized to Ethan for forgetting what was his IQ but according to Ethan that was good... He said aggressiveness was one of the phase of my hungover, that only meant that it was close to over.

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The bell indicated it was break time some minutes ago and now the corridors were full of students, there were many open lockers but I only looked at one, Ethan's. I flopped against the locker next to his when I reached it, Ethan's locker was open and I wanted my Drama Queen vibes to make him close it.

"Yesterday I slept with Alexander and now he has been wanting to sit with me all morning long... I think he didn't understood the meaning of one night stand." I dramatized with a hand in my chest though he didn't see me.

I spent some minutes waiting... Waiting for an obscene and sarcastic joke that never came. Ethan's locker closed but Ethan wasn't the one that appeared after the door of the locker stopped hiding me.

"You are not Ethan." I accused Tristan the second I saw him.

"And you will seriously need that STDs test." Tristan's face showed a grimace of disgust towards me his eyes shared, they looked at me with repulsion what I didn't like.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you, Titan. It's not my fault that some of us do get laid and won't die virgins like you." I had my arms crossed and I looked at him with the hate I had missed so much yesterday when he broke into my dorm.

Tristan looked at me from feet to head as if I was bad joke. I was sure that the first thing in coming out of his mouth would be correcting me for having said his name wrong but I was mistaken, he just let out a slightly chuckle.

"You are not cool, Iria." He blurted out getting a grimace of surprise out of me. "But if it makes you feel cooler to screw my whole football team then, please do it. I'm sure our captain would love the strategy to channel the hate we feel for you towards the rival team."

Tristan's smirks came back more harsh than ever, he had call me slut and hateful and I wasn't up let him have the last word.

"I'm cooler than you." I also blurted out though I didn't get the same effect as Tristan's. He had left me fucking speechless, I couldn't think about a good comeback.

"You sure?" He questioned slowly getting away from me, he at first opened his arms as his arrogant look of superiority joined his smirk. Then he turned around and started walking and there it was... The fucking girl who dropped her damn pen.

I came back to my locker, I was a little annoyed at Ethan for having told Tristan to get him his books but mostly I was mad at the white haired. Ugh, I never thought I would get to hate him so badly when I first saw him.

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