Chapter 51 "The night we met"

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I followed Mr. White through the corridor until we reached his office, it wasn't far from the control room though, I closed the door behind me when I entered the office, Mr. White was already leaned against his desk when I turned around. with his arms crossed and the same angry expression that hadn't left his face since Ruby called me by that one word some minutes ago.

I got it, the boyfriend thing was surprising, for me too, but if I stopped to think about it... Who better than Ruby to be my first girlfriend? My experience with women may be even too much but I was new to the dating world. Ruby was special, like me, as she said, she understood me, that was an important quality that couples should have if I understood it correctly.

Plus the sex was good.

"Ethan, there are rules here." Mr. White started his lecture when I first faced him. "Rules that I have especially highlighted since the first day and that you are breaking with Ruby."

I ignored Mr. White's words, he was right, I knew about those rules, but I wanted to ask him something and I needed him to agree.

"Could you enroll Ruby in the boarding school? She doesn't have anywhere to go." I tried to have a friendly tone as my eyes begged him to agree. He ran his hands through his face in a exasperated gesture.

"Have you listened to me?" He looked up to me with one of his hands still on his face. He hadn't answered my question so I kept convincing him.

"Ruby could be a useful member to our supergroup, her power can come very handy in the missions and she has a control over it."

Mr. White opened his mouth but he closed it again when words didn't come out of it, he sighed instead.

"It's not about me, Ethan..." His voice sounded more willing to give in now. "I have orders to follow, a superior to respond to and I... I'm sorry but I can't." That last sentence sounded too stern, he made his final decision and that... That annoyed the hell out of me.

"It's funny how you say that when you've never been in her place." I let out a dry laugh, full of sarcasm. "But guess what? I have. I have also been an scary kid without a safe place to call home and back then, when I was lost in the streets, nobody offered me shit. When was your wonderful boarding school then?" I looked at him with contempt, it was the only thing I felt.

I don't know why it surprised me, everyone wants you close to them when you're useful to them but when you're not... when they already found someone else... Then no one stands up for you.

"You know what? Forget about it." I didn't change my look, I spoke loud and clearly before turning around and mutter the following. "You all are so self-interested."

I already had a hand on the door's knob when I heard Mr. White calling my name and I turned around.

"If you promise your girlfriend and you would be careful..." I could hear how he hesitated in keep talking but my eyes were already lit up with hope for the thought that he might agree. "I will make sure she is welcomed to this boarding school."

Mr. White gave me a slight smile that I didn't know how to reciprocate. What he said was... Amazing!

I teleported to where my principal was to hug him. I didn't usually give much hugs, just to Iria, but in the moment that was the only way I found to thanks him.

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