Chapter 23 "Friends"

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It was Thursday, a rainy Thursday afternoon. I liked rainy afternoons and I didn't plan on going anywhere except to training. I was wearing some high socks and an oversized hoodie -it reached midway of my thighs, I wasn't wearing pants underneath. I found myself laid on my bed, reading a book I had started some time ago.

There was nothing off in my afternoon until Iria came out from the bathroom, wearing the same chokes and rings as always together with the same deep red lipstick and same black boots with wide heel, she wore a some tight ripped jeans of a light blue worn out color and a black bodice off-shoulders that ended in a peak at the front, the bodice showed some of her rose skin although she was wrapped in a leather jacket.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked leaving the book aside.

"I'm hanging out with Ethan."

Iria walked towards the sofa and peeked on the window behind it.

"It's raining." I told her before she could see it with her own eyes.

Iria stopped peeking on the window and turned around to face me, she dropped herself onto the sofa, sitting on one of her legs that was bent and letting the other touch the floor. Her eyes hidden behind those hazel contacts stare at me... She wanted something.

"Not if my super friend can stop it." She inquired while pouting, she gave me a closeup of her shaky lower lip and her eyes were begging me... I looked at her unsure.

"My dad doesn't like my brother or me changing the weather as we please..." I wasn't very convinced about her words, sure I wanted to help her but my father had always told us to 'follow some rules'.

"He will just think it stopped raining." Iria insisted, now her hands had joined her beg, she had them joined with their fingers intertwined at the height of her chest.


I gave in using my ability to change the weather, it took me a deep breath and some happy memories from my tenth birthday and my brother's to make the rain slowly stop, that the suddenly change of weather won't highlight much.

"Thanks you!" Iria got up from the sofa with her arms opened and came my way to hug me. I never thought she would be the one starting a hug. "Get dressed, you are coming with Ethan and me." She had a big smile while our cheeks were still glued.

"Ethan is coming?" I let out a little baffled for the sudden hug and future change of plans.

"Yes, so you better get dressed fast." Iria wasn't hugging me anymore but sat on my bed, we both were sat face to face.

"I wouldn't like to bother... You didn't even ask him if I could come." Excuses started to leave my mouth as I avoided Iria's gaze, instead I rubbed nervously the skin of my thighs that my hoodie didn't cover.

"Don't say foolishness," she cut me off. "I would say Ethan even enjoys your company so get dressed that we are going."

My eyes lit up at her last sentence. Did Ethan say he enjoyed my company? It's not like he can enjoy much... Maybe our conversations while we trained now that my brother and Iria always trained together in case we had to fight or perhaps he enjoyed the little moments we had shared when he brought Iria to our dorm that first night or the conversation we had when he told Marcus and Kendal that he was my boyfriend at Alexander's party.

I tried to shake away Ethan's memories from my mind, I wanted to focus on Iria.

"Can I bring Tristan?" I asked now that I made sure I wasn't a bother.

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