Chapter 55 "How am I supposed to look you in the face now?

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"Lucy, I said it's time to go to bed." My voice sounded more serious than the last two times I had repeated that sentence though it didn't lose that friendly tone it had when I addressed kids.

I felt pretty dumb discussing with a nine-year-old girl that didn't pay the less attention to me. Lucy was an angel but when bed time came she started running and jumping everywhere, right now she was jumping on the sofa. Chris and I had gotten her to put on her pajamas but with the condition that we had to match her, so my sister and I had to wear the pajamas our aunt Emily gifted us last year in Christmas, I was wearing the red pajamas' pants with green Christmas drawings and a basic black T-shirt and so did Chrystal, the difference is that she wore a black tank top.

"Lucy, if you don't sleep then tomorrow there won't be gifts behind the tree for you." Chrystal's threat made Lucy stop jumping and glare at Chrystal.

"That's not true!" Lucy screamed annoyed what made Chrystal crossed her arms and look at her with the superiority that she owned. "My momma told me that Santa Claus would leave me a gift behind the tree on his way to the North Pole!" She kept debating outraged by Chrystal's comment.

"Lucy, you mustn't talk to your cousin like that." I caught the kid's attention, whose look didn't show outrage anymore but regret.

Lucy jumped off the sofa and went to Chrystal, she hugged her looking up when she talked.

"I'm sorry cousin Chrystal..." Lucy whispered, making Chrystal chuckle and get that smile of hers back on her lips.

"I forgive you if you go to bed." Chrystal proposed, hugging the kid back, who stepped back to look thoughtful at Chrystal.

"But first I want you and Iria to jump with me!"

I turned around to where Iria had been standing for some minutes, she was sat on her bed, her phone laid next to her but she wasn't using it, she was watching Chris and I lose a fight against a little girl. Iria wore some blue shorts that allowed the skin of her thighs to be shown now that she also wore some high white sock that reached above her knees, her T-shirt was also black, it had the symbol of a very simple drawing of a house upside down on it and a pronounced neckline that I bet she had cut herself.

I looked at Iria without knowing how would she react, I didn't have clear if someone like Iria Quinn liked kids... To my surprised she smiled at Lucy, she stood up and went to her, I found odd the sweetness of her voice while she addressed my cousin but I smiled either way when Iria and Lucy debated how many minutes would they jump on the bed. Iria finally gave in agreeing that after fifteen minutes of jumping we all must go to bed.

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I watched the scene with a smile, Lucy had passed out on the sofa before those fifteen minutes went by, Chrystal followed her, she had fallen asleep with both, her legs and arms opened together with her mouth as she drooled over the pillow. That made me giggle, what didn't seem as funny to me was that she was occupying all her bed... When I met Iria's gaze we both had the same posture, we stood next to each other with our arms crossed and that 'And what now?' expression. The deal was that Lucy and Chrystal would share her bed and I would sleep on the sofa but that wasn't possible anymore, I couldn't even get in Chrystal's bed and waking her up wasn't an option, she was sleeping so peaceful... I preferred to sleep on the floor.

"I guess this is a good night, rough diamond..." I tried to joke to break the ice. "I'll sleep on floor." I announced looking down to the rug, that seemed like a better place to sleep than risking to go back to my dorm and find Ruby there.

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