Chapter 31 "Pure acting"

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There he was, he walked towards me wearing a basic black long-sleeved T-shirt, some beige cargo slacks and white sneakers. He didn't even looked at me in the eyes, he looked at both sides of the road while he rolled up one of his sleeves, crossing the pedestrian crossing that was supposed to lead him to the bus station and to me.

It was raining some minutes ago but it wasn't anymore, I guess I should thanks the unpunctual Wonder Boy for that.

"I thought that British people were always on time but you are clearly the exception." I snapped at him before he could settle. Tristan sat next to me and just when his pretty butt sat on the bench I got up. "The bus arrived." I cut him off when his also pretty mouth was about to let out a comeback.

There wasn't thing I enjoyed more than having the last word.

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"Right." Tristan ordered, I wouldn't follow commands from him so I felt the need to refute him.

"Left." I suggested, Tristan knew it was a command.

"Have you ever been here?"

Tristan crossed his arms and looked at me with haughty, I acquired the same posture and looked as him.

"No." I confessed without letting my tone being different to his. "I just wanted to contradict you."

My words dripped off confidence when I stared piercingly into his eyes... then why did my smirk wanted to curve into a smile when he laughed with that perfect smile.

Duh, he was laughing at me.

"Let's go right, Rough Diamond. We are already late." Tristan had a bright smile what made me think he might have confused.

Those smiles have never been mean to address me and he knew it, he let it clear since the first day.

I decided not to complain more and follow Tristan as shut up as I could, we walked through the white FBI corridors, I didn't know where were we heading but Tristan seemed to have an idea so I just followed him, until he stopped in front of a white door with a metal knob and a small glass that allowed me to see the inside of the room. Seeing who was waiting for us relieved me.

"Chanel!" I greeted her with my arms open when I first entered the room, I had a smile on my red lips. "I didn't know you were going to give the classes for virgins."

"The what?" Chanel looked at me between a slight laugh.

Chanel was cool, easy to talk to, I liked her.

"The classes for virgin spies who haven't flirted in their lives, like Tristan." I kept my ironic tone and sarcastic smile.

"Ignore her." Tristan advised Chanel standing near the door, closing it. "I do." He faced me, he was rolling his eyes second ago but now he was staring into me, with the usual forced smile that seemed more normal.

I wasn't up to remain shut so Tristan and I started an argument that looked as silly as it sounded, shitty arguments and a lot of sarcasm, my favorites arguments.

"Kids, please!" Chanel tried to cut us off raising a little her high voice tone. We fell silence to look at her with wide eyes. "You need to cooperate, you are workmates. You won't always get along with your workmates but not for that you can fight and argue over sillinesses."

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