Chapter 15 "Disappear from my fucking seen"

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When I looked in her direction never would have I imagined that I would see her on the floor,
I mean Iria Quinn? The same Iria Quinn who a few minutes ago was laughing at me in my face? The same one I had to drag out of a party yesterday because of how drunk she was?

It can't be true, I thought. She has to have a twin. She has the power to clone herself and she hasn't told us. What I saw had to be part of a master plan or something...

Then I thought perhaps it wasn't any revenge plan, perhaps she just being bullied for being different. I admit at that moment she even gave me... pity? The truth is I wanted to help her but it's more likely she would end up yelling at me, so I lost the desire.

I just couldn't help it, to see her there, lying on the floor, looking at Audrey and her friends with wide eyes and... Wait a minute, her eyes!

Although she was wearing contacts, which was very clearly seen at that time, you could still see a small glint of her eyes, then I looked at her fist and realized how strongly she was clenching it, the same with her jaw. I saw it clear, that girl wasn't the victim, well she was, but a very dangerous and... deadly one. It seemed like she was going to kill someone and just when I thought she was going to get up and knock them out like she did with me -twice by the way- she just got up and said...

"You are wrong, I am somebody, somebody that you wont forget."

Just like that the little sparkle in her eyes was over, her fist and jaw stopped being tense and that murderous look faded, she just limited to walk to her friend what surprised me, a lot... Until the light turn off then on again and she confirmed me she was the immature brat I thought.

At least she stood up for herself, I will give her that.

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The cafeteria was a mess, when I arrived it was full of people but Chrystal and I didn't get to spend more than a couple of seconds on it before its doors opened abruptly and the couple of the year entered immersed in their own discussion, in which Audrey slapped Brian in the same cheek Iria did minutes before.

I searched for the heartbreaker with the gaze as I couldn't ignore the poor couple that could end because of her revenge thirst, when I found her laughing in a table of the bottom with Ethan my feet started to walk unconsciously towards her while Chrystal followed me, she sat first in the table after greeting Ethan and Iria shyly but I decided to stay up to scold her.

"Have you gone crazy?" I started talking with my voice already raised when I first reached the table. "You both. Ethan, how could you help her to complete her... evil plan of revenge?"

I was angry and I was aware of it. It wasn't just the fact that Iria screwed up a visibly stable relationship but that she did it by kissing Brian in front of everybody. What would she have done if Brian had died because of her deadly power, huh? Of course Iria never helped in anything so I guess helping in stopping my anger wasn't the exception.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sit down and calm down, white haired." Iria raised her arms showing me her 'innocent' open hands. "Do you want something? A coffee maybe? Wait a coffee no, otherwise you will ended up throwing me a lighting... What about a tila?"

I hated her sarcasm, I hate her superiority look, her smirks, how she glared at me and the way she made fun of me getting my own sister to laugh at her 'jokes'.

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