Chapter 4 "The day I met him"

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The sun... Stupid light that was forcing me to open my eyes. I didn't want to stand up and move the curtains, right now I was too lazy to even move a finger however, I got enough energy to toss in what I thought was my bed, but when I felt the edge of the furniture I realized that was too narrow to be my bed.

I opened midway one of my eyes to check how far away was the abyss when I saw the last thing I would have waited, Ethan, sleeping on the floor. I didn't have time to start connecting dots, suddenly my alarm sounded very loudly and I got startled... to the point I fell from the couch and ended up on top of Ethan.

The sunlight caressing my barefoot feet and going all the way up my bare legs... Ethan's bare torso under me... and Ethan grunting as he pushed me away from him.

There it was again, the cold floor.

"God, what a horrible way to wake up..." Ethan writhed in the floor holding his ribs.

"Don't be exaggerated." I stood up still a little dizzy. "Come on, we will be late." I reached out to help Ethan up.

"Two beds and a couch..." Ethan held my hand. "And you decided to sleep in the floor with me."

And I let go of his hand.

Ethan hit the floor again and I laughed. Now that I was more awake I could finally remember how Ethan and I spent last night playing video games in a laptop we borrowed from the library, we must have fallen asleep on the sofa and I'm sure during the night I kicked Ethan out from it.

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There was noise around me but I ignored it, all my attention was now on the clock, on it circular shape, the constant tick tock that, if I focused, I could get to hear together with its hands moving mechanically. I stared at the clock as if the time could go by faster if I did so... until it did.

3, 2, 1... And the time came, the bell rang and it was officially weekend.

I came out of class happier than during the whole week and when I met with Ethan in the corridors the smile didn't fade.

"I've been waiting for this during the whole week..." I got excited when I reached Ethan.

"Me too." Ethan smiled as he walked down the corridors heading to our dorm, with our arms intertwined.

The first thing I did when we arrived to our dorm was changing clothes. I was very excited to go with Ethan, I knew we will probably just grab some alcohol and lay on the grass but with Ethan you never knew where were you going. I also enjoyed the idea to escape from this boarding school of shit.

A part of me was looking forward the day someone would finally tell us what would we be working at, Ethan and I were aware that our parents didn't send us here for vacation but because they wanted to get ride of us.

I really wanted to see how they tried to force us to work... it will be so much fun.

"Where are we going today?" I asked Ethan as I finished adjusting my oversize hoodie, we weren't going to any pub so a hoodie and some leather pants would do. Sure that, the rings, chokes, deep red matte lipstick and boots weren't missing in my outfit.

"Surprise." Ethan opened his eyes in a funny way.

I was going to try to get the information out of him but suddenly an annoying and high pitched noise filled the room, I almost scream when my ears started to hurt but the noise stopped in less than two seconds. I looked at Ethan with heavy breathing, I didn't know what the hell was going on and certainly, neither did Ethan. We stared at each other confused until another sound filled the room, this time a voice.

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