Chapter 5 "The day I met her"

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I didn't agree with my father's decisions, I never saw where was the need to wait that much to start with the missions and less knowing we were waiting for them. Chris and I were perfectly able to carry out that job alone, we have been training to control our ability and be successful in a future at work during our whole lives. It's always been Chris and I and my father never seemed to mind, until they came in.

Maybe Ethan and Iria can be a bit useful but to my eyes the only thing they will do it delay everything. Since I remember my life has been this, train to control. I was very happy sharing a dorm with Chrystal but my father had no qualms in kicking me out to let a total stranger sleep next to his daughter. He should leave more often the boarding school, it's seriously starting affect his judgment.

Chrystal had left the office annoyed. I had taken my stuffs to my new dorm already now that Chrystal didn't have to move anything, she and that new girl were stayed at the one that used to be mine and Chrystal's. I knew Chrystal was probably with her new roommate, she's a little shy but I knew she was excited to perhaps make a new friend, so I supposed I should follow my sister's example and meet my new roommate.

I literally grew up in this corridors so I could get anywhere with my eyes closed, I knew perfectly well where should I turn, to the left, and that's what I did, I turned left but I bumped into someone that didn't seem to know all those corridors as good as me.

"Ouch." Iria complained in the floor as she touched the part of her head that had crashed into me. I held out a hand to help her up and she accepted it suspiciously.

"Are you okay?" I tried to make sure I didn't hurt the girl my father seemed so proud to have in his boarding school.

I didn't want her to have any excuse tomorrow at training.

"Just great." She smiled at me very forcefully. I took some seconds to stare at her.

She had long, wavy, brown hair, she wore it a little messy, with two small braid that crowned her head. Her skin was pinker and darker than mine which wasn't very difficult, I was aware of my ghostly color. She had freckles all around her rose and her hazel eyes made me wonder what those contacts hid. My father hadn't told us much about them so I literally didn't know anything about the girl. She wore a hoodie that was too big to be hers and some leather pants that were too tight to my taste, and let's not talk about all the dark shades in her face due to her makeup...

"So you are the new one..." I thought aloud.

"I'm the dangerous one." She answered back without hiding her impertinence.

"Well, dangerous one, try not be so clueless while turning corners next time. I may push you less gently next time." This time I was the one forcing the smile, she had the same disgusted face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Her arms were crossed and her voice tone was daring me. To do what? Putting her in her place? Dare accepted.

"That I doubt you will be able to keep up with us at training." I also crossed my arms, I got my face closer to hers having to lean because I was very tall and her very short. I almost talked in whispers, very calmed and mature unlike her, that looked like she was about to have a tantrum.

"We will discover it tomorrow." She mumbled.

"At 7 a.m. don't be late." I continued teasing her. I noticed she was clenching her fist but I didn't erase my forced smile until she left, stomping in her way.

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"So... You are Tristan, right?" Ethan tried to start a conversation... I think we both can agree it was an awkward one.

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