Chapter 43 "Instead I smiled"

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I entered the school pool running after Bonnie, I didn't know why she suddenly left but throwing the football helmer away to go after her after seeing how upset she seemed came out naturally to me. Bonnie walked past a big metal door and so did I, that's how we ended at the school pool, I saw her standing in the middle of the place, she was turning her back to me and seemed to be hugging herself. I approached her with a comforting smile, placing a hand on her shoulder when I got close to her.

The way her body got startled when I touched her made me predict that something was off with her, the way she abruptly turned around taking my hand from her confirmed my suspects.

I felt the need to explain myself, to tell her that I saw her leaving the field upset and thought that maybe she needed a hug but I held back. I saw something in her eyes... Something that told me that her cold way to treat me wasn't just because of whatever that made her leave the field.

"Are we okay, Brownie?" I had to ask. "You've been kinda distant this past week..."

I watched Bonnie analyzing meticulously every change in her expression when I dropped the question.

I had a conversation with Ethan about this... He told me that all women show their first reaction before making that poker face.

Bonnie sighed, she opened her mouth, hesitating in talking or not.

"Are you and Ivy seeing each other? Please be honest."

I went into shock when the question left her lips, my brain got tangled up. Ivy... Ivy my sister? The reality of who was Ivy and who I was snapped at me.

Maybe my white hair made me look like a Targaryen but that didn't mean I wanted to behave with my sister as in Game of Thrones.

"No!" I quickly denied it. "Why would you think that?" I looked at her with curious eyes. I would have to change the behavior that provoked her those doubts.

"I've seen you very close lately, laughing, telling jokes and hugging a time I don't know... I also saw you leaving together the other day." Bonnie's voice slightly trailed off as she talked, she was hugging herself again and now she looked down to her feet, that moved awkwardly.

Shit, how was I supposed to explain that? I had to think... To think about a believable excuse fast.

I had an idea, a horrible idea but I didn't have time to think about a less risky one... I took a deep breath before exposing my 'facts'.

"We are something like host-siblings..." I rubbed the back of my neck nervous to sound honest. "We are staying at the same host-house, that's why you saw us leaving together. We didn't tell you because we didn't want you to overthink but it turned out worse..."

I looked up to analyze her reaction to my explanation again, she sighed.

Was it a good or a bad sigh?

"That explains so many things..." She agreed though I didn't like the pause she made. "I feel like I don't know you Liam. I like you, a lot, but I barely know things about you... I mean, you live with one of my best friends and I just found out! I don't know if I can trust you."

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