Chapter 44 "Are you calling me a whore?"

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Today is Friday, December 16th and in case you are wondering how is the mission going the answer is BAD. Most of us are starting to lose it due to the stress, there are just two days left until the big night and neither me nor Chrystal got the fucking invitation. In addition, as if haven't archived shit in a month wasn't enough, our earpiece now also contacted with Mr. White and Ewan.

Though here we are, losing our time attending stupid football and cheerleader practices. There some minutes left for the practices to finish but I was already at the locker room, at an empty locker room. I know that I barely had five minutes to come back to the field if I didn't want anyone to come look for me, I guess I would just enjoy five minutes of peace and loneliness.

I flopped on the showers' wall, I was dressed, I had the whole football uniform on but still. I felt tired, so fucking much, and stressed, so fucking much of that too. I sighed, Iria always joked saying that I was a pacifist and avoided drama and it's true. My mind has enough with all my shitty existence to have to deal with any other drama.

Who was going to tell me that becoming a spy was going to be dramatic?

Work is always stressing, I should have deduced it.

I looked down and meet my chain, I frowned as I held the small silver cross in my hand, while I looked at it I bit my tongue, maybe I even had one of those nostalgic smiles and all...

I dropped the cross abruptly, as if the metal burned, when a bitter memory came to my mind.

Why was I still wearing that chain? I knew the reason, it was enough to never take it off.

I felt a burning heat on the fingertip of my thumb, before I cold check my finger I saw the first drop of my blood hitting the shower till floor.

Red blood, as my red hair and my red eyes. All me was red, and red was a color associated to death.

Death follows me but I'm faster... Such a pity not everybody around me is as fast as me.

I took my thumb to my mouth and licked the blood, holding the small cross again in my other hand, this time carefully, it was sharp, it cut my thumb.

Stupid cross... Stupid blood, I cursed before leaving the locker room and going back to the field with the rest of football players, when I arrived they stood in two groups barely three feet apart from each other. Tristan formed part of one group, the other football players who were dirty talking about some chick formed part of the other.

It took me seconds to find out who was the girl they were talking about. I must admit that when I first arrived I thought about leaving the grumpy football player aside to go to Kenzie and the boys... Thanks God I didn't, they were talking about Chrystal, or how I called her, princess.

Tristan's glares seemed to really be able to kill you, he was hearing everything perfectly fine, his expression was stern though he crossed his arms being visibly angry or at least annoyed. I could tell you the exact moment in which he lost his patience, it was when Levi talked about Chrystal's boobs for third time since I arrived. I stepped back when Tristan expression changed from between angry and annoyed to furious.

I thought that the white haired would get into a fight but he didn't move an inch, instead it started raining, pouring, thunderstorms were heard, one following the next and the lightnings that at first blinded you from far away stared to approach. Everybody ran inside as some of them screamed that a lightning would hit them but I stood in the field, getting soaked with Tristan.

"Tristan!" I heard the twins' father scolding his son through the earpiece. "Well done, son."

Mr. White congratulations made me smile, I thought about going to Tristan to let him know that I agreed with his father but as long as he said goodbye to his father he turned off his earpiece and left the field in a hurry. I also turned the earpiece off before following Tristan, who walked past a big metal door.

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