Chapter 78 "Boyfriend"

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The plane to Stockholm was booked for April 7th. We were all going to Stockholm, my father insisted that the four of us could get some useful advices from this trip, I had no doubt about that, surely I would finally get the answer to many of my questions but while I waited for Friday, do you know what I did? Watching how, on Monday, Ethan didn't appear in our table, he was at Bethany's, shamelessly having her mouth for breakfast in front of the whole cafeteria.

It was a mistake, he said. I understood the harshness of his words on Saturday, there was no need of him to tear my poor heart apart even more.

Ethan didn't address a word to me since my birthday,

He didn't look at me,

He didn't come close to me,

He didn't watch Grey's Anatomy with me... And I was so dumb that didn't watch it on my own because he wouldn't be there to tease me with my lack of tolerance towards blood.

In the plane Tristan and Iria sat together and in the whole row of three seats in which my father, Ethan and me were supposed to sit Ethan turned out to have the seat next to mine. He tried to convince my father to let him teleport to Stockholm because he didn't like planes but he refused, then he asked him to switch seats with him and I didn't even bother to look at his direction, I faced the little window of the plane and spent the whole flight sleeping.

We had to take a bus because my aunt seemed to live in the mountain and I spent all the journey listening to 'Lover', of Taylor Swift. It made me rekindle that kiss with Ethan, my first kiss... The song also helped me to forget about that part of me that wanted to feel again Ethan's hands touching the skin of my bare thighs.

The more I thought about the kiss, the more confused I was. He was the one who kissed me first, then why did he regret it? I had a feeling that the reason of this endless ghosting had to do with my brother. I understood that he didn't want to be on bad terms with Tristan but... if he wanted me, shouldn't he try to fight for me?

Maybe he didn't really want me that much...

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The door of my aunt's house was made of wood, all her house had a wooden appearance, it looked like a simple house, with only one floor but very big, I bet that it had a lot of corridors in which I would get lost.

My father was the one who knocked on the door, the door didn't open until a couple of minutes later and when it did it, my brother and I looked baffled at the woman who showed up wearing some cargo pants and a black T-shirt that exposed the skin of her stomach at 42,8 °F. She didn't look like she was even in her thirties, I would believe that she was in college.

She looked exactly like our mother, her face was identical to her and now that I stood in front of her I realize that I was also identical to her, same pale skin, electric blue eyes and face traces for the three of us, the only difference between us was our hair, mine long and white, my mother's mid-lengh and blonde and this woman's who I supposed was my aunt was short and dark brown, probably dyed.

"Amelie Nikolayev?" My father spoke first, Amelie addressed an unfriendly and mistrustful look to all of us though she laid her eyes on me for some more seconds.

"I'm not interested in whatever you sell." She spoke curtly and hurried to close the door but I put my foot in the door way to stop it from closing, when it didn't close Amelie opened it again, this time not completely, with visible annoyance in her expression.

"My mother told us to show you this." I took out from under the sweater my necklace and let Amalie watch it.

Her muscles relaxed, she gave up in her rigid posture and opened more the door, leaned on it she fix her eyes on my necklace, then she patted her chest and took an equal necklace from under her T-shirt, hers was in an intense blue color, the same as our eyes.

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