Chapter 70 "Old ways"

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Seeing Ruby woke up something in me that I couldn't put into words. It was formed by anger and resentment above all and the fact that I didn't even feel a little of nostalgia for what we had made me realize Ruby and I were never meant to be together.

It should have stayed in a one night stand.

"Ethan..." Her voice tone matched her surprised expression. She still wore her red hair pulled up in two buns that freed half of her hair and all her fringe though she had changed her clothes style... She wore baggier jeans.

I opened my mouth or at least I tried it. I wanted to talk, I had so many things to say... but I couldn't get the first word to leave my mouth. I felt a very extreme pain in the back of my head for a few moments until I stopped feeling it... In fact I stopped feeling it all.

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My eyes felt heavy, all my body felt heavy but above all my eyes... It took me a lot to gain enough energy to open them and I couldn't stop them from taking their time to distinguish some of the blurry shapes around me.

"Red eyes...?" A female voice whispered very close to my face as a familiar pain began to settle in the back of my head.

Ruby. Her red eyes made me react, leaving aside the heaviness with which my body had woken up . The intense pain in the back of my head didn't stop, I wanted to take my hand to the injured zone just to realize that my hands were tied.

I tried to move without success, I was tied to a chair. Ruby didn't say anything more, she walked around the room while I tried to get up and at some point I lost sight of her... that was until I heard a giggle right behind me and her warm breath on the back of my neck.

"Don't waste your time, red eyes..." Ruby's fingers began to go down the side of my neck until they seemed to reach something that I hadn't notice before. "This choker over here was an order from your bosses to my father about three years ago... Do the dates fit in?"

I looked down remembering too well an event that took place about three years ago... "When I met Iria." I thought out loud.

Ruby smiled, more like smirked. "I don't think that Iria had had enough time to update you about the story of her life, sure that she doesn't know about the part that concerns you so I'll summarize it to you..." She clicked her tongue. "The choker nullify your powers. Your bosses order it to my father when they discovered you, they were euphoric by your abilities although you never made it easy for them. That didn't stop them from asking the son of their greatest enemy to create something to contain you. My father refused to help them but he was curious about that invention...." Ruby ran her fingers through the choker that started to feel too close to my neck. "Who was going to say that it would be useful one day?" She mocked.

Hearing that evil laugh... it came out too natural to her, it assured the sweet laughs she had let out while we dated were fake. She didn't sound like she made up that story, however I had to try to use my powers.

I stifled a cry of pain when instead of teleporting as I had anticipated, a painful current ran through my entire body, it felt as if my veins were burning.

"After you kidnapped Iria I imagined you were a bitch but this is heartless." I snapped at Ruby still feeling how the burning feeling slowly left my body.

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