Chapter 34 "Rich kid, new girl"

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I walked past the corridors of the LCH, they were empty and I enjoyed exploring the place though I was bored... I wanted action in my life but I didn't find it, instead I somehow ended in a pool.

Dammit, this place is cooler than the Mason White's, we don't have a pool.

The pool was visibly empty, it was huge, there were even bleachers... And a boy leaned against them rolling up a cigarette.

What are you doing so lonely, Kenzie Henderson?

I stealthily approached the area of ​​the bleachers where Kenzie stood, the truth is that the boy was more handsome in person, I liked the haircut of his dark hair, he was definitely attractive, it was most likely to find a defined abdomen hidden under that tight black T-shirt.

"Skipping classes this early in the morning? That's rude." I let out when I approached, I tried my tone to sound as careless as his posture at the moment.

Kenzie looked up from his cigarette to meet my gaze while frowning. It was clear that I was talking to him, there wasn't anybody else in the place, still I could tell by his look that he didn't know why.

"Do I know you?" His curt voice tone matched his grimace.

"Nobody does, I have just arrived." I answered back with my head held high, keeping my appearances and not letting his rude attitude get to me.

"So you are new..." Kenzie mumbled with the cigarette between his lips as he patted his jeans, probably looking for the lighter. "You shouldn't be skipping classes, new girl. If you so, do it elsewhere, I arrived here first." Kenzie fixed his gaze on mine, he had the lighter on the hand, the cigarette on his mouth and for first time he was paying attention to me directly, I took the chance.

"Rude much, huh." The traces of sarcasm echoed throughout my voice. I had also acquired a careless posture in which my arms were crossed. "If I would have known British people were this bitter, I would have stayed in Canada."

I saw how at first Kenzie deepened his frown then I saw how I caught his attention, there was some curiosity reflected on his eyes.

"So you are an exchange student..." He murmured looking down as he lighted his cigarette. "Do you smoke, Canadian new girl?"

Kenzie offered me his cigarette after giving the first drag to it.

I looked at the cigarette mistrustful for some seconds, thoughtful about what to do. It wasn't the first time I put a cigarette in my mouth and I could assure you it won't be the last.

I took the cigarette from Kenzie's hands, then gave a deep drag to it, only when my lugs were filled with the smoke I let it out.

"What brings you to London Center High, Canadian?" Kenzie made me a gesture for me to hand him the cigarette, that's what I did. He took another drag after asking his question, looked at me afterwards.

I liked that, it meant he had interest for my answer.

"Rich parents that don't have anything better to do than screwing their daughter's life." I got into character, tired expression, rolling eyes and voice tone with traces of that sarcasm that usually hide something more in the voice of troublemaker teenagers.

I didn't have to tell anything to Kenzie, he handed me the cigarette without me asking so. I took a shorter drag this time.

"Tell me about it..." He let out when I released the smoke.

He related... That's what I was looking for.

"What about you? What brings you to the pool?" I joked with the clear interest in my voice, trying to start a conversation with him.

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