Chapter 35 "Brownie"

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The tryouts had finished and people were starting to leave the field, I was happy to be one of the new additions to the team thus exhausted for the effort. I helped the coach to tidy up the field after the tryouts with Saul, a boy I sat next to in literature and that was the type of person I knew I had to get close to, he was kind but also popular, I couldn't forget Liam Williams was a charming popular kid. I hated that though, I don't usually get along with humans, I'm always too busy living my life style to be giving excuses to them when I do something non-human.

It's exhausting, Iria and Ethan were easy people to be with, they knew everything, I didn't have to think about excuses. I could be myself.

Saul walked in front of me, we both were heading to the locker room, at least until I saw pretty girl with brown hair crouched in the middle of the field with a big box under her arm, tiding up all the objects scattered across the part of the field the cheerleaders had used to do their tryouts.

I already had the warmest and nicest of smiles while I walked towards Bonnie, she was backwards to me, Saul kept walking forward until he entered the locker room while I changed my way, turning left and approaching Bonnie cautiously. I also crouched, taking a pompom from the grass that was right behind her, then I handed it to her reaching out.

"Do you need help?" I tried to keep eye contact when Bonnie first turned to see who I was.

I had a warm smile drew on my lips, Bonnie seemed confused at first, then she looked down to the pompom I was handing her, looking up to me after. She also smiled warmly when our gazes met.

"Yes." She confessed letting out an adorable laugh as she wrinkled her nose, not in an ugly way but a cute one.

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"And... that was the last box." I announced Bonnie when I left that last box on one of the shelves in the not-too-big storage.

I have offered myself to carry the boxes to the storage for Bonnie, she leading the way. As mentioned the storage wasn't very big, when I turned around to face Bonnie after leaving the box on the high shelf we found ourselves very close. Bonnie had to look up to meet my gaze, she was average high although she was taller than Iria...

But Iria was more attractive.

I shook off that true comparation and forced myself to focus on the pretty girl I had in front of me that happened to be my target. I haven't realized Bonnie was thanking me for helping her, however when my attention came back to be hers she had already changed the topic.

"Are you new? I don't think I know your name." Bonnie let out a nervous giggle and I had to smile.

"I'm an exchange student from USA..." I explained. "My name is Liam Williams."

I hadn't stopped smiling at Bonnie, I realized she looked down for a second, biting her lower lip while checking me out, then she looked up.

"I see you joined the football team..." She pointed out glancing at the uniform, she had a warm smile on her face.

Bonnie was a nice girl.

"I guess I will see you at the afterparty." She used a flirty tone checking me out one last time before leaving the storage, leaving me there alone.


I was frowning at the confusion her words left me when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I took it out to find out everybody at our supergroup was announced that they entered in the squad and team. I decided to announce my success too.

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