Chapter 37 "Tuesday morning"

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Tuesday morning,

You wake up with the soft November sun hitting your eyes, although it's very early, you don't mind being awake because unlike other work days, you have been woken up by the sun caressing your skin and not by the horrible sound of the alarm clock. Usually when this happens to me, I wrap myself in the sheets and enjoy the few minutes of sleep that I have left until the alarm clock rings.

But usually, when this happens to me... There isn't any Wonder Boy inside my sheet!

Not gonna lie, I panicked. When you wake up near a man you have no idea how he got to your bed, you tell yourself: 'Girl, you have a problem, how much did you drink last night?' But when you barely drink last night and you still don't understand why is there a boy under your sheets then you start to really worry and random question start to cross in your mind like;

Did we do the dirty?

A question I feared to know the answer now that wonder boy was shirtless... These view so early in the morning aren't badly received. The sheets covered half of Wonder Boy's body, from the waist down, exposing his bare abdomen and I will repeat myself.

Holly molly what an abdomen.

With that I mean what an abs and what a six pack. I have never stopped to stare at his abdomen and well, fuck. Wonder Boy is hot, he's very hot. And he's sleeping, sleeping in my bed, wrapped in my sheets. Though now that I mention it... He looks kinda... cute... in there, sleeping so peacefully, with the sunlight reflecting on his white hair and camouflaging with his pale skin. He looks so innocent.

I was hypnotized staring at Tristan, my lips even curved sideways but that was before... Before my particular pajamas snapped me back to reality.

Innocent my ass!, I wanted to scream when I realized the also particular posture in which we found ourselves thus, the clothes our torsos lacked. Both.

I cursed the moment my lazy ass decided not to wear a shirt, I was trapped, trapped under Tristan's heavy arm that was hugging me over my chest and pulling us closer as I'm just wearing some fucking panties that doesn't have enough fabric at the butt part to be considered appropriate. Tristan left me motionless.

I could feel Tristan's fingertips brushing my bare back, he didn't moved them just like his arm, that squeezed my bare boobs.

Does it really count as touching my boobs if he's asleep and what is making direct contact with my boobs is his arm?

This situation is exasperating apart from awkward and the only thing I can do is grab the sheets with all my might and wish this is just another nightmare.

But it isn't.

I wasn't up to keep letting Tristan enjoy my perfect, pretty and round boobs, even if he isn't aware of what his doing.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down and remember that I can't be ashamed about my body or about Tristan seeing it. My body is amazing and I'm a Goddess.

Bless the self-confidence that possess me on specific occasions.

I grabbed the sheets getting them even closer to my body, I rolled in bed covered with the sheets, taking them away from Tristan and getting him to let out a grunt for that and because I did squashed him when I ran him over on my way to leave the bed rolling. I made a loud noise when I landed on the floor in a very agile way I must praise myself for, I was already standing with the sheets covering my nakedness when Tristan turned to where the noise had came from, confused, or maybe he was just sleepy.

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