Chapter 61 "Tomorrow"

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"We are going to die!" I screamed desperate. I had got on a felled trunk that must be around three feet off the ground. "We are going to die in Italy for had gotten lost while going  sightseeing!" I glared at Tristan, I blamed him for this just like I cursed the moment we decided that on our last free day in Italy before the mission, we would go sightseeing.

We had started our walk for the forest later than we planned because Ruby and Ethan didn't appear, Ethan was supposed to be our guide but for our surprise Ruby came alone, she said that Ethan had made plans with Coraline and that he wasn't coming so we left without him. Surprisingly Ruby and Chrystal got very along during the walk, they walked next to each other as they chatted although I think Ruby was complained or at least that was what Chrystal seemed to try.

Tristan and I walked far away from the girls and we would have keep walking behind them if he hadn't gotten stones in his shoe and I hadn't had a selfless gesture of kindness by waiting for him while he took the stones out of his shoe. So yes, I blamed him and his lack of speed to undo the laces of his shoe. And to top it all off we both had left the phone at the hotel!

"Don't be dramatic, someone will miss us." Tristan's optimism annoyed me.

"Who do you think that would take less weeks in missing us? Ethan and his lost lover or Chrystal and her new best friend?" I pointed out making Tristan swallow his optimism. "And I'm cold!" I let out one last complain before attempt to get off the trunk, I didn't think that I would trip over it.

I closed my eyes when I thought I would hit the ground but I never did, when I opened my eyes Tristan was holding me princess style. He was lucky I wasn't wearing a skirt.

"You can put me down now, Wonder Boy." I patted Tristan's arm when I realized I had spent too much staring.

Instead of following my command Tristan slightly frowned what made me frown too.

"Damn, you weight nothing... You are like a feather." He mocked as he began to swing me in his arms. I held tighter to him when my body decided that being swung could most likely make me meet the ground.

"That's because I'm not very tall, you white haired giant!" I answered back raising my voice and moving my feet, I didn't like to be carried in people's arms. "Give me back my right to feel ground below my feet!" I insisted squirming in his arms until he gave in and put me down.

The first thing I did when I stood on my feet again was to adjust my clothes as Tristan looked at me funny.

"Just for you to know it..." I pointed at him with my finger mentally cursing too the moment I decided to leave my coat at the hotel. "This boobs weight so I do not weight like a feather."

Tristan's chuckle made me lose my serious tone when I wanted to laugh too although that laugh never came, what came was a cold gust of wind that made me shrug looking for all the heat that had just left my body.

I opened my eyes wide in surprise when Tristan took off the only jacket the was wearing and stayed in just a thin short-sleeved T-shirt. "Wear it." He handed me the jacket looking me in the eyes very serious about his words, he didn't seem to be freezing.

I hesitated in having or not another selfless gesture of kindness and let Wonder Boy have his jacket but I could felt how my lips turned purple under my lipstick so I quickly grabbed his jacket and put it on.

Tristan's lips curved into a soft smile when he saw I hug his jacket as I stopped shivering.

"I'm deeply glad about your jacket but there are less suicidal ways to seduce a girl." I joked making his smile grow.

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