Chapter 72 "Damn, how good it felt"

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It's been a while since I didn't run this fast, I grabbed Chrystal's hand and run with her away from everything, Ethan included. I won't lie saying I wasn't worried because I was, I trusted my best friend, I have seen what he's able to do just to protect me but in the moment in which I found myself running behind red flashing lights and an excessive annoying noise -that was part of house's alarm- I had a bad feeling about Ethan... My little sister knew how to play dirty.

My bad feeling met with some bad memories that I didn't want to remember and this whole situation was bringing me back as flashbacks, what didn't help my concentration. I wasn't even sure of what was surrounded me until Chrystal suddenly stopped. We had left the house behind, escaping was easier when everybody probably was in the gym, where they last saw me.

During these months I had had plenty of time to think about a way to get out though I never was successful. My knowledges about the structure of the fortress gave Chrystal and I some precious time due to my wise election of corridor to follow. We walked out the front door just before it was emergency locked, giving us about fifteen minutes until it reopened. I knew that my father would imagine that I would go through some kind of secret corridor to get out by another way which was also an advantage.

What I didn't imagine was that Tristan would be there... Waiting for me at the fucking front door.

"How did you know I would choose the front door?" I let out without leaving back my shocked expression, I couldn't take my eyes off him... It looked surreal that he was standing just some feet away from me.

"Ethan imagined it." He confessed with his hands inside the pockets of his pants.

Chrystal watched us from the distance and I notice out of the corner of my eye how she smiled just before she ran to a black van that must be around 200 feet away from us, it was kinda hidden behind some bushes so I didn't have to worry about someone seeing us.

The moment Chrystal left Tristan came closer, he reduced all distance between us and didn't hesitate to place one hand on my low back to pull me closer as his other hand was settled on my cheek and then he kissed me. With that passionate kiss he showed me how much he had miss me and I wanted to do it too. I wanted to kiss him back intensely, with tongue since the very beginning and let my mouth show him how much I missed him because I had done it, I had imagined countless times the moment in which I would be able to kiss him again... but I didn't do it.

I couldn't kiss him back, instead I looked down pressing my lips together, feeling kinda embarrassed.

"There's no time to waste, we have to go." I almost whispering without daring to look him in the eyes, not yet... Not even when he let go of me and we walked in silence to the van in which the driver, a FBI agent that I had seen around in a couple of occasions, started to drive madly to get the hell away from there.

I was so focused on the fact that I was sat next to Tristan, my boyfriend who for some unknow reason I had just reject a kiss of his, that I took a couple of minutes to realize that Ethan wasn't in the van. Luckily I had fastened my seat bell because I got so startled that I attempted to get up.

"Stop driving, Ethan is still there!" I screamed like psycho what was why it didn't surprise me that everybody looked at me as if I was one.

"He doesn't need a vehicle to come back home." The driver didn't even seem worried, he spoke so calmly...

"He will be fine." Tristan assured me as he held my hands in his and looked me in the eyes, trying to convince me. I pressed my lips onces again.

"Sure." I smiled sideways not being sure of anything.

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