Chapter 62 "Good times never seemed so good"

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Coraline and I entered her house between laughs and gasps, it was starting to get dark when it began to rain and we raced to her house so we wouldn't soak. I had insisted in giving us a ride if our objective was avoid the rain but Coraline declined, she said that was cheating then spent the whole race mocking at me because this morning I laughed about the hood of her hoodie.

"You want an advice, rosso? The next time you feel like laughing at hoods first check the weather." Coraline forced a haughty tone taking off her soaked hoodie and leaving it on the coat stand, I chuckled taking off my jacket too.

It's been some years since I last entered her house, as a kid I came everyday sure back then things were different, harder, Coraline helped me during the worst time of my life, I allow her my life, thing I will be forever grateful for... However we agreed we wouldn't talk about it again.

I glanced over her house, it had a rural look I've always found cozy, what caught my attention was the background sound of the radio...

"Bon Jovi?" I laughed when I distinguished the last chord of It's my life. Coraline brushed her hair behind her ears.

"My nonna must have left the radio on... She's very clueless sometimes." She excused herself.

Coraline and I stayed in completely silence during the few seconds that the next song took to start playing, when its melody started Coraline blushed.

"My nonna embarrass me even without being here..." She shook her head on her way to turn the radio off but I arrived to the radio first, stopping her from shutting up the famous song of Neil Diamond and turning the volume up.

"Come on, Sweet Caroline." I teased her, she crossed her arms.

"My name is Coraline, the Italian name is cooler." She used a snooty tone that made me chuckle.

"I have an idea..." I got closer to Coraline and grabbed her waist and hand, making us dance around the living room.

"You dance?" She mocked when I made her turn on her axis.

"Just to make you laugh..." Indeed she let out a chuckle. "Here comes the chorus." I make her turn again, pulling her closer when she faced me after the turn. "One, touching one, reaching out." I sang following the melody, Coraline joined me.

"Touching me, touching you."

We kept dancing to the sound of the song for some more time, we sang some more verses until I notice something, I don't know what it was that made me stare deeply into Coraline's eyes but we seemed to have notice the same.

"And when I hurt..." She sang melodiously again, leaving the sentence in the air so I would finish it.

"Hurting runs off my shoulders-" I let her finish, somehow tilting my head.

"How can I hurt when holding you?" She stared at me so intensely that I believe she wasn't just singing anymore. Before I could realize it my lips were on hers.

I kissed her with crave, not because I've been waiting to taste her for too long but because I craved all the memories she brought me. How could she have sweetened that much memories of such bitter times? I think that was what I craved, her to sweeten my life again now that the girl who has been sweetening my memories for some months couldn't sweeten it the way I wanted, the way I craved her... She was off-limits, Tristan had let me that clear since the very beginning.

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When I got into Coraline's shower everything began to hit me, I had slept with her and it felt good, of course it felt good, it felt like old times but I wasn't fourteen anymore, neither was I eight and honestly that was good, not even I know how I have survived for so long but I wouldn't come back in time. I've heard Iria repeating in several occasion that she doesn't regret anything she has ever done because she just can't spend all her life living in the past.

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