Chapter 64 "You were right"

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After Iria left abruptly and Tristan went after her we all left eventually, the police and paramedics too, at least that was what I thought when half an hour later I came back to the ball room to find out Chrystal was there, sat on the floor close to a large table with some broken classes on it but without a tablecloth. She was still wearing the stained white dress and blonde wig.

"Princess? What are you doing sat on the floor?" I questioned seeing how my voice made Chrystal move for first time since I entered the room, she stood up with lack of energy, the stain on her dress took up most of it but when I had to teleport to hold her tiny body the moment she lost her balance I realized that it might not be just wine.

"Chrystal?" I worried, I worried a lot because in her eyes I saw how life began to leave her body. I had no doubts that the red stain on her dress was mostly blood because of its thick texture that covered my hands.

"I'm f-fine." She lied, struggling in talking because of her shortness of breath.

"You aren't..." My voice broke as her blood began to burn my hands. "You are bleeding out." I whispered, averting my gaze from her eyes to her right side, where there was an evident bullet hole covered with blood.

"It was a lost bullet..." Chrystal tried to explain although she started to cough, making a grimace of pain for the effort.

Instinctively I began to assess the seriousness of the shot, pressing the wound to contain the bleeding after discovering that there was no exit hole and that the bullet was still there. I was going to need some things... cloth napkins, a bottle of vodka and maybe a knife too.

I left Chrystal side to grab those things for three seconds, I never left the ball room so I kept an eyes on her at every moment. I thought late about going elsewhere to grab tools more professionals than vodka and cloth napkins but I really couldn't leave her side, I went back to her right away and pressed the wound this time with the napkins.

"Princess, I'm going to try to reach the bullet..." I informed her as I removed the stopper from the bottle of vodka, moving away the napkins to see the wound.

"With the fingers?" She innocently asked, letting out a moan when I disinfected the wound with the alcohol.

"I know you are groggy but I'm still having the same dirty mind." I tried to tease, getting an attempt of smile out of her that meant the world.


My lips wanted to curve in a naughty smirk but my eyes were glassy, watering more as I realized where was the bullet.

"It reached your lung..." I whispered in an inaudible, as if not saying it out loud would change the fact that the fucking target shot her at the lung, the fact that her difficulty breathing was surely because blood was flooding her lungs and that no ambulance could come soon enough to save her.

A tear ran down my cheek when I covered the wound again, pressing it.

I was sorry for Chrystal, I really was, I would have loved to be able to teleport her to the hospital and let the doctors do their job but I knew for a fact that the teleporting didn't work with people that were so weak... I've tried with Iria several times in the past without being successful.

Diamond: The OriginalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora