Chapter 87 "Despite everything"

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Chrystal and I were focused on the laptop, we watched our series without saying anything at all. I hadn't told her that I was going to talk with Tristan so that was the first thing I did, apologize to her, however Chrystal told me that I did good. That was my princess, she couldn't get mad with anyone yet here we are, I never thought she could get so mad with anyone, less with her brother.

I didn't expect to receive any text so when my phone vibrated in my pocket it surprised me. I took it out and read Iria's text next to Chrystal.

«Can you pick me up from your dorm? By the way Tristan wants to talk with you so can I be selfish and ask you for one more favor? Listen to what he has to say, please.»

"What does he wants?" Chrystal had pause the series, she had read the text and she had a slight frown on her face.

"I don't know." I confessed. "I'll tell you everything when I come back if I'm still alive." I tried to joke to downplay the matter, giving her a short kiss on the lips before getting off bed and going back to my dorm.

I did as Iria told me and took her back to her dorm then I teleported to the bathroom on my dorm, I was nervous to open the door and face Tristan, above all because I didn't know if this was a trick to finish what he and his lightnings started. When I entered the room I found him sat on his bed, he patted the mattress so that I would come sit next to him, I kept my distances when I did it just in case.

"Do I have to fear for my life?" I gave him a suspicious look when I first sat. Tristan chuckled, I didn't expect that.

"No, I'm over that phase of wanting you dead." His voice still had traces of his laugh what made me smile for some seconds.

"In which phase are you at then?" The thing turned serious when he held my gaze for some seconds before answering.

"In the one in which I apologize for being an asshole." I raised an eyebrow surprised, encouraging him to keep talking. "I guess you deserve to be happy too and if my sister is the one that makes you smile then I don't have a say..." I could tell it was being hard for him to speak for the intermittent way with which he talked. "Until you stop making her smile, then I will have a say. Do I explain myself?"

It was funny how he hid a threat in an apparently innocent look. I nodded.

"The day I stop making her smile it won't be for something that I had done to her." I promised him. "I will never hurt Chrystal, I care about her."

There was silence between us for almost a minute.

"Do you love her?" That question made my heart skip a beat. I didn't imagine that Tristan would be so straightforward.

My brain told me to take some time to think about the answer but I already knew it, there was no need to think any further.

"I do. I've never loved anyone the way I love Chrystal." I was being honest, so fucking honest...

It felt bad that I was telling this to Tristan and not to Chrystal, she deserved to hear those three words... I hadn't tell her that I loved her yet, not opening up at least.

"Does she know?" Again another question that I hadn't gotten ready to answer.

I bit my lip, averting my guilty gaze from him. I knew the answer but no how would he react to it.

"I hadn't told her 'I love you' yet." I confessed, Tristan smiled at me, it was a wide smile that seemed odd to me.

"Why are you talking to me then? Go and make sure that my sister knows that her love is reciprocal."

My smile was shared by him, we both stood up and Tristan hug me, patting me on the back he whispered one last thing close to my ear before letting me go.

"If I ever find out that you broke my sister's heart I will go for you and a scratch on your arm would be nothing compared to your corpus."

I gulped, aware that my best friend would really kill me if I hurt the person he cared more about. When we broke the hug I gave him one last smile -this was a little forced because there were still traces of the fear that his threat provoked running through my veins. Tristan called my name one last time when I was about to leave, making me turn to him again.

"Oh and just in case, I'm not interested in hearing any dirty detail about you and my sister, pretty please."

I laughed, the smirk on my face should have warned him that he wouldn't like what was going to come out of my mouth.

"Late. You were the one who asked about the bite mark on my shoulder."

I left the room before another lightning would hit me. Chrystal was waiting for me when I arrived at her dorm, Iria caught the hint and left the room so Chrystal and I could be alone, her curious eyes followed me since the moment I arrived to the dorm.

"How was it?" She didn't hold her curiosity any longer.

"I love you." I didn't hold back either, letting out what I've been wanting to tell her for so long. The surprise appeared in her expression, making her open her eyes widely.

Chrystal was sat on her bed, one of her legs touched the floor while she kept the other crossed, I reduce the distance between us until I stood in front of her, I grabbed her hands and made her stand up, she looked at me baffled but I just wanted to look her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner but I love you, Chrystal. I have known it since long time ago but I was afraid of saying it out loud. Even when I dated Ruby I loved you, I have loved you since the first word your sweet voice addressed me and now I know it was pointless to keep my distances from you because you were off-limits..." I made a pause to catch my breath, I have talked hastily. "I don't want to keep my distance with you ever again, princess."

Chrystal's eyes lit up, that was the shine I liked to see, the one provoked by love, the same shine that my eyes shared whenever I looked at her.

"You will never get rid of me even if you want to."

Chrystal kissed me right after that last promise left her lips. The kiss tasted different, I wasn't used to winning but today I won... I won the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world and the chance to don't leave her side for the rest of my life.

"Wait, does this mean that your talk with Tristan went well?" Chrystal separated her lips from mine to speak. I smiled against her lips I didn't answer with words, I just kissed her again, lifting her from the floor making her wrap her legs around my waist but stopped the kiss to propose her another thing before taking her somewhere in the world.

"What would you say if I tell you that I want to make love with you in the 195 countries in the world?"

Her smile grew, it looked like a smirk that showed up together with the lust in her look.

"That we must start with the task as soon as possibly... I've never been in Ecuador." I loved to hear her sweet voice turning flirty.

"Ecuador is it."

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