Chapter 41 "C'est très important"

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I adjusted the sunglasses I wore on my head as I walked in a hurry. I wasn't used to this, I wasn't used to wear sunglasses that cost a whole salary on my head, Chanel had meticulously placed them on my hairstyle that was another of the many things I wasn't used to. Wearing a pink wig, a hairstyle that tied up my hair in an elegant and perfect bun out of a hairdresser, it just wasn't my thing, neither were the impeccable makeup that painted my lips in fuchsia nor the long and modern nails that I had not gotten used to no matter how beautiful the French manicure was.

This wasn't me, I had that clear and I was proud not to have lost that of sigh.

I pulled my skirt down adjusting it, I still thought wearing a white skirt and stilettos showed off my legs too much —even though I was wearing sheer stockings— as much as Chanel insisted that it styled my legs I thought my legs were long enough for me to get away from the torture of the stilettos. I had to get rid of the thoughts about my lack of wardrobe, I had an important thing to do. Watching Ethan and Kenzie threatening my brother.

Ethan had texted me, he told me that Kenzie was going to take advantage of Liam's lonesomeness at the boys' locker room to warn him. When I arrived at the locker room Kenzie's threat had already started. I shrugged behind the door as I peeked, filming the scene with the phone they had given me for the mission. That wasn't in the plan but I wanted to make sure to be ready for all the outcomes.

"I won't hesitate to make your stance at this school a living hell if you continue having my sister for lunch!"

That was the sentence I needed to confirm the threat. Though Kenzie was right... Liam and Bonnie had been in their honeymoon lately. It wasn't like I had a say on my brother's 'relationships', Bonnie was a nice girl and I loved my brother but I didn't feel like they would made a good couple, maybe Liam and Bonnie but Tristan wasn't definitely mean to be with that girl...

Actually, I felt like he was meant to be with someone else, as if that someone and him would make the best of couples.

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It was lunch time, there were some people in the corridors but not many, most of them were already at the cafeteria. I walked through the corridors apparently happy and with confidence when I internally cursed every step I took with those stilettos... They were uncomfortable, I felt uncomfortable wearing them.

Apparently my body was more sensitive than I remembered because the slightest slip the shoes made brought me to the floor. Luckily no one was in the corridor when I fell so I got to my feet immediately. 

I was wrong, there was someone. I discovered it when I saw that my mother's necklace had fallen out of my purse then someone bent down to pick it up from the floor before I noticed its absence.

"Is this trinket yours, Ivy? I thought rich French girls just wore designed stuffs." The way Levi winked at me made me want to grab my necklace and leave running. But I was wearing stilettos, running wasn't an option.

Saul stood next to Levi and I shrugged when I looked up to meet his gaze, intimidating not by their presence but by the power they had over me now that they held the necklace that practically meant my life.

I didn't know what would they do with my necklace and that feeling... I hated it.

Also Ethan had been the only one who had hold my necklace in his hands and I like it that way.

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