Chapter 69 "Don't tell me what you think I can be"

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"Lovely view, huh." Ruby spoke behind me. I smirked.

"It's even lovelier when you know there's people waiting for you." As I spoke I turned around to Ruby, leaving behind the beautiful view of Teguise, a town settled in one of the islands that made up the canary archipelago.

From the balcony of the fortress in which I was hostage you could see the endless ocean. The truth is that this fortress was pretty modern and the only important thing that it held was me. There were three rectangular towers build close to each other at what was the front of the place, each of the towers had a different high that gave the building a contemporary look, concealed by the grey bricks of the walls.

Ruby smiled what seemed off to me, during these past months she had just gave me smirks. She had tried to come close to me several times, trying to make me feel like she was someone I could rely on, she had been specially annoying with trying to create that sisters bond. However I always kept my cold attitude, I had done it since the day I met my grandfather, that conversation with him made me understand that perhaps I went back to being alone. I didn't want to lose faith but it's been two months after all.

"The honest smiles doesn't suit your viper personality." The smirk on my lips grew when the curt cut left my mouth.

"Don't be so rude, sister, you can't tell me that you are still mad about Saint Valentine's..."

I gulped as I glared at Ruby, my arms were crossed and I clenched my jaw.

Yes, Saint Valentine's was screwed but I've been being rude since way before that.

"I'm mad about many things, you aren't important enough to be one of them."

This time Ruby rolled her eyes to my rudeness, she had a funny smile on her lips what was my cue to start walking. The thing is that she walked next to me through all those corridors. There was a long way ahead of us that would seem endless.

"There it is. It's not my fault that you had to spent Saint Valentine's away from your boyfriend." Ruby started to tease, closely following my fast pace.

"Oh really? Wasn't you the one who kidnapped me or am I really starting to go nuts in this jail?" I didn't bother to look at Ruby, just to keep walking as fast as possible and try to unsuccessfully avoid this conversation.

"Your irritation is pointless, you and Tristan barely spent 24 hours dating. You know damn well that you had more fun with me than you would have had with him." The annoying noise that insisted in calling me sister crossed the line. I stopped on my tracks and turned to her.

"First, Tristan and I have been dating for 76 days. Second, you shouldn't even know that and third..." I took a deep breath because I've been talking hastily. "Mind your own fucking business."

As always Ruby ignored what was convenient to her and gave me a smile that started to look more like her characteristics smirks.

"But I know." Her voice annoyed me. "We got drunk on Saint Valentine's day and you talked a lot so don't give me the I won't talk about sex with my little sister attitude."

I let out an outraged sound to get snooty and haughty tone. Living with Ruby for two months made me regret had ever wished to have a sister.

"I was the one who got drunk." I corrected her. The bitch practically let me drink the whole bottle by my self. "Making that clear..." I adjusted my back jacket now that I had notice the door that led to the training room was closer than I thought. "Yes, I talked too much on Saint Valentine's because yes, I'm a sixteen-year-old teenager who thought about having sex with her boyfriend on the international day of love even though he's far away from here..." Once again I spoke hastily so I had to stop to catch me breath, clearing my throat before talking. "And now if you excuse me I'm going to try to forget about how close in my boyfriend's birthday by punching something or someone."

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