Chapter 49 "Ruby"

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"Red, where are you?" I could heard Iria frowning through my earpiece.

"Yes, man. You disappeared..." Tristan's voice joined my earpiece.

He was right, as soon as the Henderson's siblings left the mansion and my workmates had to face all that drama I went to Mr. White, who told me to make sure there wasn't anyone at the mansion, and took that amazing chance to avoid the drama. I hated drama, I hated to deal with people that weren't up to listen or see sense, it stressed me.

My life has always been bad enough to don't need anyone else souring it.

I took my index finger to the back of my ear to turn the earpiece on. The truth is that those earpieces looked invisible, I was starting to get used to wearing them.

"Mr. White told me to make sure the house is empty," I explained them. "I'm just finishing."

"Great, see you in a few minutes then."

I was still hearing Iria's voice when I opened the door of the last room to check in the first floor, I had already checked the second and third floor so after making sure the room was empty I would return to my workmates.

The room turned to be some kind of library, it had a narrower part when you entered, as an entrance, but as you walked inside the room widened, seeming like a true library. Its walls were red, as the couch next to the wall, the floor was marble like the one in the whole house though this one room had a more ancient look... A vintage one. There was even an stair to go up to and grab the books on the high shelf, and with high shelf I mean those who were close to the ceiling, the bookshelves were as height as the walls.

I decided to walk around the two huge bookshelves placed in the middle of the room, dividing it in two, I stood still when I turned the corner and saw her, close to an opened window searching around with an scared expression.

She was a beautiful girl, her skin was tanner than mine what wasn't very hard, she dressed some denim ripped short together with slightly black semi-transparent stockings under them, some black boots that weren't new and a red long-sleeved and tight T-shirt that reached above her belly bottom, allowing me to see where those stockings started. Her hair was long and wavy, she wore a fringe and some small buns over her hair but more importantly, she was redhead, her hair was of the same red shade as mine, closer to be brown-hair than blonde, and her eyes... My jaw dropped when I saw those shining red eyes, searching around filled with fear...

I recognized them, fuck if I did. I saw myself reflected on them.

"W-who are you?" The girl shuttered when she saw me, still with the terrified look on her.

I was still so baffled by her eyes... They were red, like mine.

"Your eyes!" I almost screamed, my voice came out between hysterical and surprised. "They are red!"

"D-don't get n-near me..." The girl shuttered again what made me force myself to calm down and focus.

There will be time later to freak out about her red eyes, right now I had to try to help her... Like nobody ever helped me.

"Hey, don't worry... I'm like you." I talked with a more serene tone, I gave a few steps closer to the girl and when our gazes met for half a minute I decided to turn around.

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