Chapter 26 "Keep me up at night"

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There was a big storm outside, Chrystal and I didn't have the blame in that, she was sleeping and I was awake, Ethan and Iria were God's knows where but it wasn't like I missed them. Well, I missed Ethan and that obsession of his to start singing all types of songs at the most random moments. It made me laugh when he started with the 'I'll set fire to the rain' at midnight, when we were already on each of our beds with the phone. Ethan was a good friend I'd miss, being without Iria was a deserved rest.

I walked through the corridors of the boarding school in my pajamas, some black shorts and a loose white short-sleeved T-shirt. I knew where was I heading and what would I do so when I sneaked into my sister's dorm, finding her peacefully sleeping I couldn't help getting close to her bed... and startled her.

"Chris, wake up!" I screamed shaking her now awake body.

Chrystal let out a scream that couldn't help my laugh, she put her hand on her chest attempting to calm the rhythm of heart.

"What the hell is wrong with you, bro!" Her eyes showed she wasn't very happy about the ideas her brother got in the middle of the night.

I looked at Chrystal faking to be offended by her swear, I let my jaw slightly drop and frowned once again faking the contempt in my eyes. I adored my sister, that would never change.

"Chrystal, don't swear..." The ironic tone in my voice gave me away.

Chrystal giggled before facing me again.

"Sorry, I just swear when people scare me to death!" There were still trace from that giggle in her voice and in her eyes what made me smile.

She's happy, I'm happy. That simple.

"Leave the hateful look aside, sis. Don't you hear it?"

Chrystal stopped the bright and even adorable glares she addressed me to stay silence and listen to the rain.

"You didn't wake me up because it was raining... Right?" Her sarcastic tone faded, as she talked her voice became angrier.

Of course I woke you up because it's raining, silly. That bad memory you have?

"Chris, Chris, Chris... You are getting older, don't you seriously remember?"

Chrystal looked up in that way that indicated she was thinking, when she looked back at me she had a bright smile drew on her face.

"Now?" She inquired, her voice sounded unsure although deep down I knew she was as excited as me.

I nodded copying her bright smile. Chrystal let out a sigh, releasing all the air she has been holding.

"Fine." She gave in, her smile made it way to her lips.

I grabbed Chrystal's hand and left the dorm with her.

I grabbed Christal's hand as I guided her through the corridors of the boarding school. I knew it was late and dad didn't like us to be out of our dorm at this hour but that didn't stop me from keep running. We stopped when we reached one of the back doors.

"Tris, what are we doing in front of a door.ñ? It's raining outside."

Chrystal let go of my hand, taking it to her mouth, she did that when she was nervous or scared, she didn't bite her nails but put her thumb in her mouth.

"We have to go out."

"But we are going to soak!" She pointed out, complaining but I smiled.

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